
About me: Dev Ramkumar

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πŸ’‘ Where do you get your travel ideas from?

I pick my travel ideas after looking up various local music festivals from around the world. It's like a treasure hunt – checking out where my favorite artists are playing and which cities they're performing in. That's my secret sauce for planning the next country on my hit list. Every country has its unique way of showcasing music and throwing festivals, and I’m on a mission to see it all!

Dev Ramkumar at Music Concerts
Dev Ramkumar

πŸ” How do you do your travel research?

I've got my go-to trio:,, and good old Google. Once I zero in on a city, it's a deep dive into the community hub of Reddit, scrolling through travel blogs, and checking out what local content creators are up to on YouTube and Instagram. But here's the real game-changer – the unsung hero, Google Maps. I spend hours scouting areas, strolling through street views, reading reviews, and checking for prices before I start penning down an itinerary.

πŸ–ŠοΈ How would you describe your writing style and approach to storytelling?

When it comes to my writing, I keep it real. I like to spill the beans in the same way I spill my thoughts. Traveling is a gift that's shared by people from all over the world and I figured that the best way to write my blogs is by using the simplest of words. I kicked off this writing journey when I joined Headout, and if you're curious, you can check out my latest articles right here.

Dev Ramkumar

✈️ What ignited your passion for travel and writing?

The travel bug bit me when my music career took me to places that I'd never even thought of visiting. I remember playing shows in a couple of remote towns in Meghalaya back in 2016 – it changed everything for me. I'd linger for a few days after the gigs, and explore the towns nearby, while the rest of the band headed back home. Soon, it became a tradition in every city where I was playing. Now, the writing bug? That's been with me since forever. Lucky for me, I was surrounded by English professors in my family while growing up.

Eiffel Tower

❣️ What has been your most memorable travel experience and why?

The most unforgettable travel experience has to be my first trip outside of India, a solo trip to Europe. It was a big leap for me, and it took β€˜Traveling For Music’ to a whole new level. I got to watch my childhood heroes - Green Day in Paris. But that was just the beginning. I hopped around concerts and festivals in France and Spain, which allowed me to explore the city and observe its people! At one point I had this mind-blowing 'zoom out' moment where it hit me that I knew nothing about the world, and this was my chance to change that. It's crazy how a solo trip can turn everything around.

πŸ“Do you have a favorite destination you love writing about? What makes it special?

My favorite destination honestly keeps changing from time to time, but currently, I'd say it's Thailand. I know, I know, it might sound cliched, but hear me out. Thailand's got this hidden charm beyond what you see on the internet.

quinta de regaleira

I keep telling my friends – if I were to finally settle somewhere in life, Bangkok would be the spot. It's like Mumbai (my hometown) but cranked up on some serious steroids. I'm a city buff, no doubt, but what sets Thailand apart is the whole package. You've got the buzzing city life, the spectacular food, living on a budget is a breeze, and don't even get me started on the mountain, beach, and city combo. It's like hitting the travel jackpot. And the people? Absolute gems, some of the friendliest ones I've ever crossed paths with in my adventures.

πŸ›£οΈ Are there any travel rituals or habits you have while on the road?

Contrary to everything I mentioned earlier, I never listen to music while traveling! I love keeping myself occupied with my thoughts, with conversations, or with refining my itinerary. I realized this during my Thailand stint in November 2023 – my trusty earphones practically hibernated in my backpack for the entire two weeks I was there.

🀝 How do you immerse yourself in different cultures during your travels?

First off – checking out local music and cultural events is my go-to move when I hit up a new city. Secondly – the real deal, food! I'm on a mission to attend at least one cooking class in every country I set foot in. It's like a backstage pass to a culture's soul. You get to learn about their cooking methods, play with the ingredients, and identify the flavors that make a place truly unique.

πŸ•ΊπŸ½ Outside of travel writing, what are some of your other interests or hobbies?

I love cooking and watching cooking shows. If I'm ever in a position to, I'd love to open a bar with live music all week!

Dev Ramkumar

πŸ—ΊοΈ Is there a particular destination or travel experience you're eager to explore and write about?

Oh, so many! But currently, Mexico's stealing the show. I plan to make a trip there soon and hunt for the best tacos in the world.

πŸ”‹ What do you do to unwind and recharge when you're not traveling or writing?

When I'm not traveling or writing, I attend local pub shows, chill with my cat Oreo, watch tons of TV shows, and reserve my Sundays for a long day of heavy cooking.