Letter from the Editor:
This infographic was created as part of a series for our campaign, #LoveKnowsNoWall, aimed at uniting people regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, religion, or creed. It’s meant to remind us that NYC is full of diverse people who love living together.
To explore this theme, we hit the streets of NYC, one of America’s most diverse cities, and spoke with hundreds of New Yorkers across the city’s five boroughs. We visited the most iconic locations and ventured into the heart of NYC’s ‘littles’. We asked them what their favorite spots are and heard incredible stories about the journeys they took to arrive in the Big Apple. (Learn more here.)
To help share these extraordinary narratives, we’ve captured the inspiring stories of five remarkable individuals, each of whom come from a different background, all with one unifying characteristic – a shared love for their home, New York City. (You can check out the video here.) We also want to give you the opportunity to explore the world that is New York. This infographic is your ultimate guide to navigating and discovering culture in NYC.
Stephanie Hernandez
Since the early 1600’s, NYC has been welcoming people from all corners of the globe. Their very presence has, in turn, played a revolutionary role in fostering the state’s growth, vibrancy, and success. Today, over 200 nationalities reside within the state making it one of the most ethnically and racially diverse places in the world. Of the city’s 8.5 million residents, 38% are foreign born. This eclectic mix of people are what make NYC a thriving epicenter of art, culture, fashion, technology, education, and business.
Throughout the years, an array of ethnic neighborhoods have blossomed into cultural hubs, teeming with worldly inspiration. We spoke to hundreds of New Yorkers across the city’s five boroughs to find out what their favorite spots are in NYC’s ‘littles’. From Little Odessa to K-Town, Little India to Little Senegal, this infographic is your vehicle to exploring the world in New York City.
Use this infographic on your website or blog and help your viewers explore NYC’s eclectic diversity.
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<p><strong>Please include attribution to https://www.headout.com/blog/ with this graphic.</strong><br /><br /><a href=‘https://www.headout.com/blog/infographic-mapping-new-york-citys-diversity’><img src=‘https://www.headout.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/MappingNYCDiveristyInfographic-1.jpg’ alt=‘MappingNYC’sDiversity’ width=‘800px’ border=‘0’ /></a></p></textarea>
It’s now a tumultuous time in our nation’s history for our immigrant communities. This infographic, as well as our exhaustive blog post and video, have been created in an effort to highlight and spread awareness on the amazing influence ALL of America’s citizens have had on the US.
It’s important we educate ourselves, and others, on the important role diversity plays in strengthening a community, a state, a nation. Acceptance begins with knowledge. We invite you to celebrate and embrace diversity with us.
Love Knows No Wall | Experience the world in NYC | Headout