
Jyothsna – fuelled by chai; driven by dreams

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💡 Where do you get your ideas?

At the risk of sounding cliche, I get most of my ideas from social media. That said, I’ve recently been practising to have more mindful and engaging conversations with people around me - stories about their upbringing, travels, and life in general. You never know who can inspire you.

Jyothsna S

🔍 How do you do your research?

Google, travel blogs and YouTube videos! While Google can give you upfront information about your search, personal travel blogs can take you on a virtual journey, giving you details which can only be observed on a visit. And YouTube is an amazing approach to research that I’ve only started recently. Watching videos can help you paint a vivid picture of a destination, for your readers.

Jyothsna S

🗣️ How would you describe your writing style and approach to storytelling?

Coming from a background in Architecture, I know the magic is in the details and my writing reflects this. Thorough research, simple language, and a conversational tone are my approaches to storytelling.

🔥 What ignited your passion for travel and writing?

While growing up, my exposure to travel was limited to weekend getaways to temple towns with the promise of a good drive and sumptuous meal. When not this, books were my haven and through them I travelled far and wide. But as an adult, when I discovered the transformative power of travel (more on this below), there was no stopping me. And having travelled so much through stories, I decided to share my stories too, if only to inspire one other person to discover the beauty of travel.

🛣️ Are there any travel rituals or habits you have while on the road?

I have none! If I have my wallet and phone on me, I’m good to go.

💖 What has been your most memorable travel experience and why?

Leh, 2021. While the destination in itself is undeniably beautiful, the journey was what changed me. I caught an early morning flight from Bengaluru to Delhi. I boarded the flight and fell asleep even before take-off. However, I did wake up on time to catch the most surreal sunrise! When I say surreal, I mean SURREAL, nothing like I’ve ever seen from land. And to be able to watch, appreciate, and be present in that moment, forever changed what I thought of travel and life, in general - it’s not about the destination, it’s a collective sum of all the experiences that get you there.

Jyothsna S

🤝 How do you immerse yourself in different cultures during your travels?

If you haven’t already guessed, I am big on RESEARCH! I do a thorough research of my destination - reading, watching videos, and talking to friends/family who’ve been there. This helps be more mindful of how I dress, speak, and present myself. Once there, it’s all about blending with the locals in small ways - travel locally, speak to the locals, sample local dishes and most importantly, have an open and curious mind and heart!

Jyothsna S

🔋 What do you do to unwind and recharge when you’re not travelling or writing?

Movement is medicine, and for me that can be a walk, a run, or lifting weights! If my mind is all over the place, I usually sit down to crochet which brings me to a flow state and also gets my creative juices flowing.