Things to do in Rome

Holy Rome: A deep dive into the city’s religious art and architecture

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You’ve likely heard the phrase, "Rome wasn't built in a day," which captures the essence of this city's richness when it comes to its history, art, and culture. Rome’s moniker as the "Eternal City" is well-earned; its layers of civilization stretch from ancient times through the Renaissance and into the present day. Each visit reveals new wonders, from grand basilicas to hidden catacombs, showcasing an unparalleled legacy of religious art and architecture.

Throughout history, many cities have aspired to match Rome's grandeur—Constantinople and Moscow among them—but none have captured the enduring spirit of Rome itself. The city's influence is seen in its awe-inspiring structures, where ancient engineering meets Renaissance artistry.

Exploring Rome means immersing yourself in a living museum. From St. Peter’s Basilica to the serene beauty of Santa Sabina, each site tells a story of faith, power, and artistic genius.

During a Jubilee Year, Rome becomes even more vibrant, as pilgrims from around the world flock to its sacred sites, seeking spiritual renewal and indulgence.

This guide will delve into some of Rome’s most iconic religious landmarks, uncovering the stories and masterpieces that have made this city a timeless beacon of culture and devotion.


The Majesty of St. Peter's Basilica

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

Start your journey at the heart of Vatican City, where St. Peter’s Basilica stands in unparalleled grandeur. Designed by some of the greatest minds of the Renaissance, including Michelangelo and Bernini, this iconic church is a treasure trove of art. Inside, Michelangelo’s Pietà, a poignant sculpture of Mary cradling the dead Jesus, immediately captures your attention. The basilica's massive dome, also a work of Michelangelo, offers breathtaking views of Rome if you’re willing to climb the 551 steps to the top!

Did you know: St. Peter's Basilica is built on what is believed to be the burial site of Saint Peter, one of Jesus' apostles and the first Pope.


The Enigmatic Pantheon

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

From the Renaissance beauty of St. Peter's, make your way to the Pantheon, a temple dedicated to all the gods of ancient Rome. This 2,000-year-old structure, with its imposing portico of Corinthian columns and a massive domed roof, is a testament to Roman engineering prowess.
The oculus at the dome's apex is the only source of light, creating an ethereal atmosphere as the sun beams in. Inside, the tombs of notable figures such as the painter Raphael and the first King of Italy, Vittorio Emanuele II, remind you of the Pantheon’s historical significance.

Did you know: The Pantheon's dome remains the largest unreinforced concrete dome in the world.


The Splendor of the Sistine Chapel

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

A visit to Rome would be incomplete without marveling at the Sistine Chapel. Nestled within the Vatican Museums, this chapel is renowned for Michelangelo’s ceiling frescoes, which depict scenes from the Book of Genesis, including the iconic Creation of Adam.
Take a moment to absorb the sheer detail and vibrant colors of The Last Judgment, another masterpiece by Michelangelo that adorns the altar wall. The chapel also serves as the site of the Papal conclave, where new Popes are elected.

Did you know: Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel while lying on his back on scaffolding, a grueling task that took four years to complete!


The Grandeur of Santa Maria Maggiore

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

Santa Maria Maggiore, one of Rome's four major basilicas, combines a stunning mix of architectural styles, from early Christian mosaics to Baroque embellishments. As you step inside, the golden mosaics of the nave and the elaborate ceiling, gilded with gold brought back from the Americas by Christopher Columbus, leave you awestruck.
Don’t miss the Crypt of the Nativity, said to contain wood from the Holy Crib of Jesus. The basilica's bell tower, the tallest in Rome, adds to its impressive profile.

Did you know: Legend has it that the Virgin Mary appeared in a dream to Pope Liberius, instructing him to build a church where snow would fall in August. The basilica stands on the site where the miraculous snowfall occurred.


The Artistic Oasis of San Luigi dei Francesi

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

Make your way to San Luigi dei Francesi, the French national church in Rome, to witness the works of Caravaggio. The Contarelli Chapel houses three of his masterpieces: The Calling of Saint Matthew, The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew, and Saint Matthew and the Angel. Caravaggio’s use of dramatic lighting and realism draws you into the narratives he depicts.
The church itself, with its elegant façade and richly decorated interior, complements the intensity of Caravaggio’s paintings, making it a must-visit for art enthusiasts.

Did you know: Caravaggio used everyday people, often from the streets of Rome, as models for his religious paintings, adding a touch of realism and relatability.


The Intricacies of the Basilica di San Clemente

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

Descending into the Basilica di San Clemente feels like a journey back in time. This multi-layered church reveals Rome’s history in its very foundations. The 12th-century basilica on the surface is renowned for its mosaic apse, but a trip below ground reveals a 4th-century basilica and, further down, a 1st-century Roman house and a Mithraic temple.
Each level tells a different story, from early Christian worship to ancient pagan rites, showcasing the religious evolution of the city.

Did you know: The frescoes in the lower basilica include one of the earliest depictions of the Italian language, a valuable piece of linguistic history.


The Baroque Beauty of Sant'Ignazio di Loyola

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

Sant'Ignazio di Loyola offers a baroque feast for the eyes. Its ceiling fresco, The Triumph of Saint Ignatius by Andrea Pozzo, uses trompe-l'œil to create an illusion of a vast, open sky filled with saints and angels. The church’s grandiose interior, with its elaborate altars and sculptures, reflects the Baroque style's emphasis on drama and movement.
Pause at the altar dedicated to Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, adorned with beautiful marble and gilding, to appreciate the meticulous craftsmanship.

Did you know: Andrea Pozzo’s fresco is designed to appear in proper perspective when viewed from a specific spot marked on the floor, demonstrating the artist’s mastery of optical illusion.


The Historical Significance of San Giovanni in Laterano

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

As the cathedral of the Bishop of Rome, San Giovanni in Laterano holds a unique place among the city's churches. Its imposing façade, crowned with statues of Christ and the apostles, sets the tone for the grandeur within. The basilica's interior boasts gilded ceilings, colossal statues, and the Holy Stairs, believed to be the steps Jesus climbed during his trial before Pontius Pilate. The ancient baptistery, where many early Christians were baptized, adds another layer of historical significance to this sacred site.

Did you know: San Giovanni in Laterano is considered the mother church of the Roman Catholic Church and all other Catholic churches worldwide.


The Elegance of Santa Maria del Popolo

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

Santa Maria del Popolo, located at the bustling Piazza del Popolo, is a hidden gem of Renaissance and Baroque art. The Chigi Chapel, designed by Raphael, and the Cerasi Chapel, featuring works by Caravaggio and Annibale Carracci, are particular highlights.
The church’s elegant interior, with its harmonious blend of art and architecture, offers a peaceful retreat from the city's hustle and bustle. The richly decorated altarpieces and chapels tell stories of devotion and artistic collaboration.

Did you know: The Chigi Chapel served as inspiration for Dan Brown’s novel "Angels & Demons," adding a touch of modern intrigue to its historical significance.


The Majestic San Paolo Fuori le Mura

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

San Paolo Fuori le Mura, or St. Paul Outside the Walls, is one of Rome's four major basilicas and the second largest after St. Peter’s. Built over the burial site of Saint Paul, this basilica’s vast nave, glittering mosaics, and serene cloisters make it a spiritual and architectural marvel.
The stunning apse mosaic, featuring Christ enthroned, and the serene cloister, with its graceful arches and lush garden, gives you a tranquil space for reflection.

Did you know: The basilica's courtyard features a striking statue of Saint Paul holding a sword, symbolizing his martyrdom and missionary zeal.


The Resplendent Santa Maria in Trastevere

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

Santa Maria in Trastevere, one of Rome's oldest churches, is renowned for its beautiful mosaics that date back to the 12th century. The golden apse mosaic, depicting the Coronation of the Virgin, is a masterpiece of medieval art.
The church’s charming exterior, with its bell tower and mosaic façade, blends harmoniously with the vibrant Trastevere neighborhood. Inside, the coffered ceiling and intricate mosaics tell stories of faith and artistic endeavor.

Did you know: The church's foundation is believed to date back to the 4th century, making it one of the earliest sites of Christian worship in Rome.


The Quiet Grandeur of Santa Sabina

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

Perched on the Aventine Hill, Santa Sabina offers a serene escape with its simple yet majestic early Christian architecture. The church’s original wooden doors, dating back to the 5th century, are adorned with carved biblical scenes, including one of the earliest known depictions of the Crucifixion.
The austere beauty of its nave, lined with ancient columns, and the peaceful cloister garden invite contemplation and serenity.

Did you know: The Aventine Keyhole, located near the church, offers a perfectly framed view of St. Peter's Basilica through the keyhole of the gate to the Priory of the Knights of Malta, a delightful surprise for visitors.


The Wonders of the Vatican Museums

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

The Vatican Museums an extensive collection of art amassed by the Roman Catholic Church, are a must-visit. From ancient Roman sculptures to Renaissance masterpieces, the museums house over 70,000 works of art. Highlights include the Raphael Rooms, adorned with frescoes by Raphael and his students, and the Gallery of Maps, a breathtaking hall lined with detailed maps of Italy.
Don’t miss the Egyptian Museum, which showcases artifacts from ancient Egypt, including mummies and statues. The Vatican Museums provide a comprehensive look at the evolution of art and culture through the ages.

Did you know: The Vatican Museums cover roughly 9 miles of artwork, so comfortable shoes are essential for exploring this vast treasure trove.


The Grandeur of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, designed by the Baroque architect Francesco Borromini, is a small church with a big impact. Its undulating façade and intricate interior decorations exemplify the Baroque style's complexity and elegance. The oval dome, with its geometric patterns and harmonious proportions, creates a sense of movement and lightness.
Despite its small size, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane stands as a masterpiece of architectural innovation and artistic expression.

Did you know: Borromini designed the church for free, as a gesture of goodwill towards the Trinitarian Order who commissioned it.


The Sacred Grounds of the Catacombs

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

For a different perspective on Rome’s religious history, explore the ancient catacombs. These underground burial sites, such as the Catacombs of San Callisto and San Sebastiano, offer a fascinating glimpse into early Christian practices and beliefs. The catacombs feature intricate frescoes, carvings, and inscriptions that provide insights into the lives of the early Christians.
Walking through the dimly lit tunnels, you can almost feel the presence of the past and the enduring strength of faith that has shaped Rome’s history.

Did you know: The Catacombs of San Callisto are home to the Crypt of the Popes, which once held the remains of nine early popes.


The Splendor of Santa Cecilia in Trastevere

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, dedicated to the patron saint of music, is a church rich in history and art. The church’s façade, designed by Ferdinando Fuga, welcomes you with its Baroque elegance. Inside, the stunning frescoes by Pietro Cavallini and the exquisite statue of Saint Cecilia by Stefano Maderno are true highlights.
Descend to the crypt to see the ancient Roman foundations and the remains of a Roman house, believed to be the home of Saint Cecilia. The church’s serene atmosphere and artistic treasures make it a hidden gem in the vibrant Trastevere neighborhood.

Did you know: Saint Cecilia’s incorrupt body was discovered in 1599, nearly 1,500 years after her martyrdom, and was found to be miraculously intact.


The Magnificence of San Pietro in Vincoli

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

San Pietro in Vincoli, or Saint Peter in Chains, is renowned for housing Michelangelo’s statue of Moses. This imposing sculpture, intended for the tomb of Pope Julius II, is considered one of Michelangelo’s finest works. The church also contains the chains that are believed to have bound Saint Peter during his imprisonment in Jerusalem.
The simple yet beautiful interior, with its ancient columns and tranquil atmosphere, provides a perfect setting to appreciate Michelangelo’s genius and the church’s historical significance.

Did you know: Michelangelo’s Moses is said to have been inspired by the biblical account of Moses coming down from Mount Sinai, with horns of light emerging from his head.


The Timeless Beauty of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, the only Gothic church in Rome, offers a striking contrast to the city’s predominantly Baroque architecture. The church’s soaring arches and beautiful stained glass windows create a sense of awe and reverence. It houses the tombs of several notable figures, including Saint Catherine of Siena and the artist Fra Angelico.
The highlight of the church is Michelangelo’s statue of Christ the Redeemer, which stands near the altar. The serene beauty and historical significance of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva make it a must-visit.

Did you know: The church stands on the site of an ancient temple dedicated to the Egyptian goddess Isis, reflecting Rome’s layers of history and cultural influences.


The Intricacies of Sant'Andrea al Quirinale

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

Sant'Andrea al Quirinale, designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, is a Baroque jewel. Its elliptical layout and richly decorated interior showcase Bernini’s genius in creating dynamic and harmonious spaces. The high altar, with its dramatic use of light and color, draws your eyes upwards to the dome, adorned with beautiful frescoes.
The church’s intimate size and exquisite details make it a perfect example of Baroque elegance and craftsmanship.

Did you know: Bernini considered Sant'Andrea al Quirinale one of his finest works, and he often visited it to admire his creation.


The Eternal Allure of the Church of the Gesù

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

The Church of the Gesù, the mother church of the Jesuits, is a magnificent example of Counter-Reformation architecture and art. Its grand façade, designed by Giacomo della Porta, leads into a richly decorated interior filled with frescoes, sculptures, and gilded details. The ceiling fresco, The Triumph of the Name of Jesus by Giovanni Battista Gaulli, creates a stunning illusion of heaven opening up.
The church’s elaborate chapels and altars, including the tomb of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, reflect the Jesuits’ dedication to creating spaces that inspire faith and devotion.

Did you know: The Church of the Gesù introduced the use of hidden windows to illuminate the ceiling frescoes, enhancing their dramatic effect.


The Harmonious Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri

 Italian vacation amidst the Jubilee Pilgrimage 2025

Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri, designed by Michelangelo, is built within the ruins of the ancient Baths of Diocletian. The church’s unique blend of ancient Roman and Renaissance architecture creates a striking and harmonious space. The vast interior, with its towering columns and beautiful stained glass windows, is a testament to Michelangelo’s ability to adapt and innovate.
The church’s meridian line, a solar clock embedded in the floor, adds a fascinating scientific dimension to this sacred space.

Did you know: Michelangelo was 86 years old when he took on the project of designing Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri, demonstrating his enduring creativity and passion.

Whether you're following pilgrimage routes, seeking local traditions and festivals, or going on a culinary pilgrimage tasting all of Rome’s cuisine, Rome’s sacred spaces provide a profound connection to its past. 

For those looking to escape the Jubilee crowds, there are plenty of hidden gems and cultural experiences waiting to be discovered beyond the Vatican - even indulging in the best restaurants around the Vatican! 

Accommodations for pilgrims, including monasteries, convents, and spiritual retreats, offer a unique and enriching stay, and we urge you to explore this option!

Religious art and architecture in Holy Rome