The Story
Tag along for a 10,000-year journey across the globe and history. Accompanied by craft cocktails and the brilliant vocals of the Backwaiters acapella group, learn the history and science that went behind in the creation of alcoholic beverages. Trace their political-economic impact on the cultural development of the same. The lead performs live beer brewing demonstrations and like any good bartender, he keeps his guests laughing/entertained throughout the night. Dive in for an enjoyable evening of immersive theatre and an experience unlike any other.
Critics Reviews
"One of the five best things to do in New York City!"
"Absolutely must-do in NYC"
Anthony Caporale, Nicole Dimattei, Ruthellen Cheney and Tia Andriani
Must be over 21 years of age to enter the venue
Please carry a valid ID card with you
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