Having the pass makes it much easier by avoiding ticket lines, however, there are some aspects that are good to point out: some facilities have rather limited opening hours, you have to take this into account when planning activities because you risk missing something: for example, we were not able to visit Westminster Abbey because a) on Sundays it is open only for worship, b) by postponing the visit to the following Tuesday morning we alas discovered that on October 1, that is when we wanted to go) the abbey opens at 1 p.m. Having to leave in the afternoon we missed it.
Or the London Eye opens only late in the morning and, having to make reservations, the performance of the whole day suffers, because one cannot go to a museum, for example, as there is no time to do so either before (they open at 10 a.m.) or after (many close at 5 p.m. and between the time to go and the time to visit one would be squeezed in); moreover, the pass does not give priority of entry, despite the reservation. Finally, I would have preferred the pass to include more art venues than entertainment venues. Then if you are not able to use all the passes, the savings in spending are nullified
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