Catch Shakespeare's Othello on Broadway for the first time since 1982 as Hollywood Titans Denzel Washington and Jake Gyllehaal battle it out and make theatre history in this dark, tragic tale of betrayal, passion and ambition.
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Fans of Denzel Washington | Fans von Jake Gyllenhaal | Fans von Shakespeare
Why watch Othello
Why watch Othello
Intense emotions will be on full display as the Bard's words are brought to life by stunning performances and cutting-edge production. Denzel Washington (Othello) and Jake Gyllenhaal (Iago) are a formidable duo as they partner up with Tony and Drama League-winning director Kenny Leon. It gives fresh life to Shakespeare's ageless tragedy of love, envy, and treachery under the direction of an imaginative crew. Othello is just as important now as it was when it was written because of the strong emotions it evokes and the topics it explores, which include ambition, racism, and the fragility of human relationships. The play is considered a classic of Shakespearean theater due to its evocative language, surprising plot points, and memorable characters.
Anyone with even a passing interest in Shakespeare or the performing arts will not want to miss this production's riveting evening of dramatic storytelling. Don't pass up the opportunity to see a theatrical extravaganza starring two A-listers!
Diese Tickets können nicht storniert oder verschoben werden.
Genre: Theaterstück
Publikum: ab 4 Jahren
Venue name: Ethel Barrymore Theatre
Venue Facilities: Drinking water fountain, bar, restrooms, air conditioning, elevator, payphone
Venue accessibility: AStep-free entrance, wheelchair-accessible seating, aisle transfer arms, unisex wheelchair-accessible restroom on the Main Floor
Kleiderordnung: Lässig elegant
Cast & crew
- Leading roles: Denzel Washington as Othello, Jake Gyllenhaal as Iago, Molly Osborne as Desdemona, Andrew Burnap as Cassio, Anthony Michael Lopez as Roderigo, Daniel Pearce as Brabantio, Kimber Elayne Sprawl as Emilia, Neal Bledsoe as The Duke of Venice, Julee Cerda as Bianca, Ezra Knight as Montano, Gene Gillette as Gratiano, and Rob Heaps as Ludovico.
- Ensemble: William Connell, Ty Fanning, Ben Graney, Daniel Reece, Christina Sajous, and Greg Wood, with swing Abiola Obatolu
- Book: William Shakespeare's Othello
- Direction: Kenny Leon
- Scenic design: Derek McLane
- Costume design: Dede Ayite
- Lighting design: Natasha Katz
- Sound design: Justin Ellington
- Hair and wig design: Mia Neal
- Intimacy direction: Claire Warden
- Production stage management: Narda E. Alcorn
- Lead producer: Brian Anthony Moreland
Zusätzliche Tipps
- Dieses Stück ist für Kinder ab 4 Jahren geeignet. Kindern unter 4 Jahren ist der Zutritt zum Theater nicht gestattet.
- The Barrymore theatre does not allow weapons on the premises. No electric scooters, e-bikes, or battery-powered transportation devices, will be permitted except when medically necessary.
- The theatre may subject any iten to inspection. Anything brought into the theatre must fit on the guest's lap or completely under their seat without blocking any aisles.
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