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Blue Ice Skating Rink @163 Retail Park

Blue Ice Skating Rink @163 Retail Park
Ice skaters enjoying Blue Ice Snow Park at 163 Retail Park.
Ice skaters at Blue Ice Snow Park, 163 Retail Park, Kuala Lumpur.
Ice skaters enjoying Blue Ice Snow Park at 163 Retail Park.
Ice skaters enjoying Blue Ice Snow Park at 163 Retail Park.
Ice skaters enjoying Blue Ice Snow Park at 163 Retail Park.
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  • Start your ice-skating escapade with expert guidance on ice-skating at Blue Ice Snow Park at 163 Retail Park.

  • Enjoy quality ice-skate rentals along with entry to the ice rink.

  • Pick a convenient time for entry, and enjoy enter Blue Ice Snow Park without any hassle.

  • Whether you're an expert or a beginner, we have programs perfectly suited with expert coaches to guide you on ice.

Más detalles

  • Start your ice-skating escapade with expert guidance on ice-skating at Blue Ice Snow Park at 163 Retail Park.

  • Enjoy quality ice-skate rentals along with entry to the ice rink.

  • Pick a convenient time for entry, and enjoy enter Blue Ice Snow Park without any hassle.

  • Whether you're an expert or a beginner, we have programs perfectly suited with expert coaches to guide you on ice.

40 MYR

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