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Las mejores experiencias en Cairns

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Tourists snorkelling in clear blue waters during a full-day cruise from Cairns to the Great Barrier Reef
Cruceros por la Gran Barrera de Coral
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249 AU$
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Tourists enjoying a full-day cruise from Cairns to the Great Barrier Reef, exploring marine life through a glass-bottom boat and semi-submersible tours
Cruceros por la Gran Barrera de Coral
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Rated 4.5 out of 5.0 from 948 reseñas.
299 AU$
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Brisbane Ocean Safari Tour boat on clear blue water with passengers enjoying the view.
Cruceros panorámicos
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Rated 4.7 out of 5.0 from 74 reseñas.
197 AU$
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Tourists enjoying a full-day cruise at the Great Barrier Reef with a scenic helicopter flight and lunch included
Cruceros por la Gran Barrera de Coral
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369 AU$
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View of the cruise from Cairns to Great Barrier Reef and Green Island
Cruceros por la Gran Barrera de Coral
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265 AU$
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Sailboat on water at sunset with mountains in distance, Cairns, Australia.
Cruceros con cena
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129 AU$

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A millones de personas les encanta viajar con nosotros

Merinda Tinkham


I only gave a Good rating because the Big Cat Green Island tour itself was good. The details of the tour on Headout's website were incorrect. The end of the trip was two hours after what was advertised on the site. I had selected to go snorkeling but, on the day, was told I was booked on the semi submarine and glass bottom boat. Two other parties from my group booked through Headout and we all ended up being booked on different things. It didn't make sense. Not only that but my sister's family booked the same tour through Headout days before I did but never received tickets. When she enquired with Headout about the booking, Headout had not yet submitted the necessary paperwork with the tour operator. Headout submitted the paperwork late and then ended up canceling my sister's booking by email. No call. I don't recommend booking through this site.
Green Island Reef Catamaran Cruise with Semi-Submarine
Ian McLeod


Fue un gran viaje en el agua de ida y vuelta, gran día, un montón de peces y tortugas, incluso visto un tiburón de arrecife. Me gustaria que el capitan nos hubiera dado algunos comentarios acerca de los alrededores e ect ademas de cuanto tiempo nos tomaria llegar al arrecife y volver a tierra firme. Aparte de eso, la excursión de medio día fue suficiente tiempo para lo que fuimos a ver.
Ver la reseña original en inglés
Medio Día de Crucero en Catamarán por los Arrecifes de las Islas Verdes


Did the snorkeling tour and absolutely loved it! I love exploring marine life and this was the perfect getaway. Would recommend taking a sunscreen for sure though
Crucero de un día completo de Cairns a la Gran Barrera de Coral con barco con fondo de cristal y excursiones en semisumergible
Francisca Johanna Wilhelmina Van Tilburg


Países Bajos
Tuvimos suerte de que las condiciones fueran perfectas. El buceo con tubo fue realmente fantástico. Además, había mucho equipo y los guías eran estupendos.
Ver la reseña original en neerlandés
Tour Safari Oceánico

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