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Buda: Gellért Hill & Castle District Guided Tour

Buda Gellért Hill view with tourists exploring Castle District, Budapest.
Buda Gellért Hill view with tourists exploring Castle District landmarks in Budapest.
Buda Gellért Hill view with tourists exploring Castle District landmarks in Budapest.
Buda Gellért Hill view with tourists exploring Castle District landmarks in Budapest.

Spend two wholesome hours on the Buda side and discover its essential landmarks from the notable Castle District to the UNESCO listed Gellért Hill, all in the company of an expert tour guide.

    • Walk around the historic Castle District and learn of its fascinating history

    • Discover the medieval Fisherman’s Bastion and the ecclesiastical Matthias Church

    • View a stunning panorama of the city from a dramatic viewpoint situated atop Gellért Hill

    • A professional guide with years of experience will provide due insight along the way

    • Choose between English, Spanish, or German guided tours

    • Walking tour in the Castle District

    • Tour guiado en inglés, español o alemán

    • Guía profesional

    • Visit Gellért Hill (Citadel)

    • Vehículo con aire acondicionado.

    • Recogida y regreso al hotel

    • Tasas de entrada

    • Consejos

  • Estas entradas no se pueden cancelar ni reprogramar.

  • On this guided tour, you will discover Budapest’s old heart in the Castle District, admirable for its sheer bounty of important landmarks which owe to its coveted UNESCO status. Begin at the most striking of all bridges, the Chain Bridge, pass one of the finest examples of Gothic Revival and Renaissance architecture - the Hungarian Parliament, cross the Danube on Margaret Bridge, a distinguished example of French Neo-Baroque bridge-building, and drive over to Buda. Disembark at Castle District and take to the cobblestoned streets on foot. During your walk, the past, present, and future of Budapest will become evident to you. Here you will find the stunning Matthias Church dating back five centuries. The Fisherman’s Bastion dedicated to the fishermen that defended the city walls in the middle ages is also much worth the attention. You will also drive to Gellért Hill (Citadel). From the top, you’ll catch unrivaled views of the Danube river and both sides of the city - Buda and Pest. After this, you will return to the city center and conclude the tour at the well-known pedestrian street of Váci Utca.

  • Variantes

    La entrada incluye las siguientes opciones de idioma que puedes elegir:

    • Visita guiada en inglés

    • Tour guiado en español

    • Visita guiada en alemán


    Daily at 10 AM (English, German, Spanish,)

    2:30 PM (English only)

    Duración: 2 horas

    Entradas con descuento

    Los niños de 0 a 2 años van gratis. Ages 3-12 enjoy a 50% discount on their tickets

    • Recibirás tu cupón por correo electrónico poco después de la compra

    • Please display the same on your mobile phone along with a valid ID at the meeting point

    • Si has comprado entradas a precio reducido, no olvides llevar un documento de identidad válido con foto para su verificación. Los estudiantes deben presentar una identificación de estudiante válida.

    • Por favor, llega al punto de encuentro 10 - 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time of your tour in order to avoid any delays

    Punto de encuentro

    • Meet your tour guide at Cityrama Travel Agency, Budapest, Báthory utca 19, 1054 Hungary

    • Para localizar el punto de encuentro en Google Maps, basta con buscar - Cityrama Travel Agency, Budapest

    Cómo llegar al punto de encuentro

    Cómo llegar

    En autobús

    • The nearest bus stop is ‘Báthory Utca’, a 2-minute walk to the meeting point

    • Bus #9 will get you here

    En metro

    • The nearest subway station is Nyugati Pályaudvar (Western Railway Station)

    • Metro line #M3 will get you here


    Este billete es válido en la fecha y hora seleccionadas durante la compra

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