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Entradas sin colas al parque acuático AquaVera

AquaVera Water Park wave pool with visitors enjoying Skip-the-Line access in Almeria, Spain.
AquaVera Water Park slides and pools, Skip-the-Line Tickets, Almeria, Spain.
AquaVera Water Park wave pool with visitors enjoying Skip-the-Line access in Almeria, Spain.
AquaVera Water Park wave pool with visitors enjoying Skip-the-Line access in Almeria, Spain.

Disfruta de un día lleno de diversión en el emocionante Parque Acuático AquaVera de Almería, con acceso a atracciones y lugares de relax únicos.

Lo más destacado

  • Sumérgete en un mundo de diversión infinita en el Parque Acuático AquaVera de Almería, ¡donde la emoción te espera!

  • Enclavada en la impresionante playa de Vera, AquaVera ofrece una emocionante escapada para los adictos a la aventura y un sereno oasis para los entusiastas.

  • Prepárate para atracciones como el Kamikaze, el Tsunami, los Agujeros Negros y muchas más, que te dejarán sin aliento.

  • Zambúllete en la amplia Piscina del Lago y la Piscina de Olas, donde podrás refrescarte, tomar el sol y crear recuerdos inolvidables.

  • Dato curioso: ¡el Parque Acuático AquaVera ostenta el récord de tener la piscina de olas más grande de la región! Con más de 10 000 metros cuadrados, esta piscina crea olas estimulantes que imitan la sensación de estar en la playa.


  • Entrada al Parque Acuático AquaVera

No incluye

  • Comidas y bebidas

  • Transporte y traslados

Política De Cancelación

Estas entradas no se pueden cancelar ni reprogramar.


¿De quién recibimos las reseñas?

479 reseñas
Paul Colburn



ago, 2023

The ticketing was fantastic, also the water park, cannot be faulted. The one thing is as I am 80 years and my wife 78 there is no way we wish to use the facilities, although we have to pay the full price to enter, is it possible to have a old age price just to sit and watch? The family really enjoyed the experience, well done and the staff were exceptional, all happy smiles!
Amy Stone



ago, 2022

Make sure you book in advance to bypass the entrance queues. We didn't but we booked while in the line and managed to skip the queue. Don't bother renting rings, you don't have to wait long to get the free ones. They let you go down holding your flip flops - the floor does get very hot! There isn't a lazy river which is a shame but the slides are really good and the dancing in the wave pool is a good added touch! Food was reasonably priced and very good quality! You get given a beeper as they cook it fresh. It's a small place but we had a really good day out (3 adults).



ago, 2022

Absolutely fantastic family day, my 9 year old grandson was over 140cm tall so could enjoy all the rides, there was entertainers at the wave machine pool doing dancing and singing for all us in the water to copy, it was the best fun I've had in ages, we all had a fab day our ages where 9 -64 years, so fun for the whole family highly recommend 5*
Patrick Hayet-Patino



ago, 2022

Worth the drive. We were staying in Mazarron and weren't prepared to drive for an hour to visit this water park until our friendly neigbour recommended it instead of the water park by Murcia. On arrival there was a long queue but we gave it a try anyway as it had only just opened. The timing wasn't too bad but what I would recommend is booking online. I did this whilst in the queue and then quickly moved over to the shorter queue once done (I was actually in the shorter queue and left my wife and children in the long queue until I had confirmation and then moved them over). Anyway, on arrival, the slides were good. All at one end. I did think it was a bit of a rip off having to pay to rent out your own floats (singles, doubles or triples are available) but in fairness, you didn't have to, there was another queue within the water park where you could get 'free' ones. Thie does mean additional queueing but I think so many pay for these not realising that this queue isn't huge. You also have to pay for your sunbeds, but again, you don't have to, you can just set yourself down by some trees in the shade for free. There is a safety deposit box you can pay for also and go back and forth as often as you like to pick up your phone for pictures or wallet for food and drinks. The slides were really fun, great fun. Our two loved them (ages 9 and 6); oh, you will be charged by height on entry, not age, so make sure you know your childs height. Annoyingly my 9 year old daughter (quite tall for her age to be fair) was charged as an adult! My 6 year old (normal height I would say for a 6-year old) was able to go on every ride (not sure on Kamikaze actually as that was the only ride we didn't go on). There is also a recommended max weight of 110kg, but this is a recommendation and didn't stop people from going on. There was a wave pool where they had entertainers playing music and doing dance moves ('Zumba' style) was was really fund and again, my two loved this as well as a separate pool for diving and swimming (fun swimming, not lengths!). There are a few places to buy food and drink (bunuelos which are doughnuts etc.). All in all, the trip was amazing and well worth it, but you will have to pay over 100 euros for a family of 4 for tickets, rings, sunbeds and deposit box. I would still recommend this place based on my experience. The highlight of our holiday.
Joseph Andrew Tabor



ago, 2022

Amazing day!!! So easy to book and didn't have to queue to get in. Will definitely return again 👌🏻👌🏻

Sumérgete en la diversión

El Parque Acuático AquaVera de Almería promete un día inolvidable de aventuras y entretenimiento acuático. Este paraíso acuático te dejará recuerdos increíbles gracias a una emocionante variedad de actividades acuáticas, relajantes piscinas y cautivadoras atracciones.

Aventuras apasionantes

La atracción Kamikaze te invita con su gran altura y pronunciada caída: déjate llevar y ríndete a la emoción de la gravedad. El Tsunami, con sus poderosas olas y oleadas, simula la emoción de cabalgar las indómitas corrientes del océano. Y para quienes se atreven a aventurarse en lo desconocido, los Agujeros Negros te llevan en un viaje sinuoso y lleno de giros a través de la oscuridad y el misterio. La amplia Piscina del Lago te invita a darte un refrescante chapuzón en sus tranquilas aguas, el descanso perfecto del cálido abrazo del sol

Más allá de las atracciones y piscinas, el Parque Acuático AquaVera sorprende y deleita con ofertas adicionales. Espectáculos cautivadores con acróbatas y artistas que muestran su talento y eventos especiales que elevan el ambiente del parque: siempre hay algo que cautiva y atrae a visitantes de todas las edades. Así que trae tu traje de baño, déjate llevar por la emoción y sumérgete en un día lleno de euforia, relajación y diversión sin fin.

Información importante

  • Instalaciones: taquillas, accesibilidad para sillas de ruedas, accesibilidad para cochecitos de niños, aseo, guardarropa.

  • Se recomienda llevar calzado adecuado para mojarse.

  • Lleva gafas de sol, protección solar, botella de agua, muda de ropa y toalla.

  • Se permite ingresar con comida y bebida.

  • Código de vestimenta estricto: ropa de baño.

  • Los menores de 12 años deben ir siempre acompañados de un adulto.

  • Los visitantes que lleven escayola deberán someterse a una revisión en los servicios médicos antes de utilizar las atracciones.

  • Se admiten perros guía.


  • La experiencia está restringida para que las mujeres embarazadas se suban a las atracciones y toboganes.

  • Los visitantes pueden abandonar el Parque durante su visita, pero se ruega que avisen al personal y regresen en 90 minutos.


Mayo, junio y septiembre

  • Todos los días: de 11:00 a 18:00

Julio y agosto

  • Todos los días: de 11:00 a 19:30
  • Recibirás tu cupón por correo electrónico al instante.

  • Presenta el cupón desde tu móvil en la atracción, junto con una identificación válida con foto.

  • Si has comprado entradas a precio reducido, lleva tu identificación con foto válida para verificarlas.

Punto de canje de entradas

  • Puedes canjear las entradas directamente en la entrada de la atracción: Parque Acuático AquaVera.

  • Dirección: Av. Ciudad de Valencia, 2B, 04621 Playas de Vera, Almería, España.

Ver en el mapa

Cómo llegar

  • La parada de autobús más cercana es Vera Playa - Rotonda Consum, a 4 minutos a pie de la atracción.

  • BARAZA - Mojacar Playa y BARAZA - Las líneas de autobús Villar-Carboneras te llevarán allí.

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