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Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary

With your Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary tickets, delight in watching Koalas frolic in their natural habitat as you set up a tent in the wilderness, and learn about their conservation.
Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary
Koala resting in a tree at Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary, Australia.
Koala resting in a tree at Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary, Australia.
Koala resting in a tree at Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary, Australia.
Koala resting in a tree at Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary, Australia.
Koala resting in a tree at Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary, Australia.
Koala resting in a tree at Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary, Australia.
Visitors interacting with koalas at Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary, Australia
Koala resting in a tree at Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary, Australia.
Visitors interacting with koalas at Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary, Australia
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  • Get a chance to closely observe koalas in their natural habitat at the Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary with this ticket.

  • Experience the elevated perspective of a koala while strolling along the 225-meter Newcastle Airport SKYwalk.

  • Don’t miss out on the treetop views of the long-term resident koalas in simulated environments from up in the canopy.

  • Amid the tranquility of the environment that houses the local bird and animal species enjoy luxury camping.

Más detalles

  • Get a chance to closely observe koalas in their natural habitat at the Port Stephens Koala Sanctuary with this ticket.

  • Experience the elevated perspective of a koala while strolling along the 225-meter Newcastle Airport SKYwalk.

  • Don’t miss out on the treetop views of the long-term resident koalas in simulated environments from up in the canopy.

  • Amid the tranquility of the environment that houses the local bird and animal species enjoy luxury camping.

desde 28 AU$
25,20 AU$

10 % de descuento

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