Las mejores experiencias en Rotorua
Las mejores cosas que hacer en Rotorua
Rotorua, a tu manera
Experiencias que no te puedes perder en Rotorua

1Experiencias culturales en Rotorua
Desentierra los secretos del patrimonio maorí de Nueva Zelanda en el corazón de la geotérmica Rotorua. Participa en experiencias culturales maoríes inmersivas y conecta con tradiciones que han resistido el paso del tiempo.
2Te Puia
A tour of Te Puia's geothermal park will help you explore some interesting facets of nature, from exploding showers at natural geysers to bubbling pools of mud. Explore Rotorua's latest attraction and get a deeper insight into Maori culture.
3Mitai Maori Village
Explore Mitai Maori for a cultural immersion like no other. Get a warm welcome from the friendly locals, and wander through the forest and the ancient fortified village. Take in the majestic vistas as the Māori warriors paddle their canoes down the Wai-o-Whiro stream. Conclude the tour with a feast of slow-cooked chicken, kumara, and more from the hāngī pit.