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feb, 2025
Divertida e interesante introducción a NL.
Menos: la voz exagerada de la chica narradora con gestos raros.
Ver la reseña original en neerlandés
feb, 2025
Una experiencia muy positiva y enriquecedora. Se aprende sobre el país de forma interesante y dinámica. El "viaje", muy inmersivo, amplía enormemente mis conocimientos y mi imagen del país.
Una experiencia muy positiva.
Ver la reseña original en portugués
feb, 2025
Headout Guest
jul, 2024
Headout Guest
jul, 2024
Headout Guest
jun, 2024
jul, 2023
¡¡¡El simulador de vuelo era impresionante!!!
Muy digno de ver, pero uno de nosotros no pudo participar.
Es una pena que no se pueda reservar el simulador por separado o que no te devuelvan el dinero.
Además, la experiencia hubiera costado unos 18 euros. La información era un poco escasa.
Ver la reseña original en alemán
dic, 2022
staff were amazingly helpful, experience and facilities were outstanding We arrived early and were able to move our tickets allowing additional time in Amsterdam, great service
oct, 2022
Het was net echt of je in een zweefvliegtuig boven Nederland vloog. We vonden 't geweldig! We zouden het zó weer willen doen. Schitterend!
sep, 2022
The flight simulation was amazing and the kids didn't want it to end. Excellent explanation for the adults too.
One thing regarding the photos though - we felt like a small magnetic photo could be included in the ticket price.
ago, 2022
A must do in amsterdam, the flight experience is the best simulator experience I been on. Well worth the cost, just wish it had been longer.
ago, 2022
Just brilliant - all loved it! We would have liked to know more about where we were flying on the map ... but this didn't spoil anything! thanks, great concept!
ago, 2022
What an amazing experience! Lots of stairs, so be sure to let them know if you have mobility issues because they will accommodate your needs.
jun, 2022
Yes, informative, light hearted and the 5D ride a great experience for all ages. It makes us want to explore the country more. Congratulations.
may, 2022
I have done several fly over experiences in different countries and this was by far the best. Not alone was the fly over awesome but the explanations of how the Netherlands grew into the country it is today, about how the sea is your greatest asset and enemy all culminating in an awesome experience. Even afterwards the post show about how this is Holland was created was very good. Keep up the great entertainment.
may, 2022
I have to read the English subtitles. It affected my overall experience. Also during the flight, there was no narration.
may, 2022
Het was geweldig om mee te maken. Leuke inleiding. Het vliegen mocht wel iets langer omdat het een geweldige ervaring was.👍👍
may, 2022
Nou, was onze 3e keer en 3x geen koffie of broodjes te koop omdat de balie onbemand was en gesloten. Erg jammer voor mensen die van ver komen
abr, 2022
It's a fentastic, exciting feature of Amsterdam! Even the kids (5;7;11 year old) loved this. The This is Holland building is very easy to reach with the free of charge ferry boat.
There is a very good view from here to the skyswing on top of the building next door, which we only recommend to the bravest!
"This is Holland" is a wonderful experience which is a must see for anyone who wants to get to know the whole of the Netherlands through a flight simulator.
You can combine this program with the Keukenhof bus tour too.
abr, 2022
de presenaties zijn alleen engels ondertiteld. We waren nu met mensen uit Oekraine en die begrepen er helemaal niets van en dat is toch jammer.
Jullie hebben wel russisch bij de quiz voorafgaand.
Is het niet mogelijk een vertaling op jullie website te zetten/die de deelnemer zelf kan starten/meelezen op zijn telefoon?
23 €
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