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Las mejores experiencias en Budapest

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Woman relaxing in Széchenyi Spa thermal bath, Budapest, Hungary.
Balneario Széchenyi
Confirmación instantánea
Rated 4 out of 5.0 from 4054 reseñas.
29 €
Combo of Big Bus Budapest tour and Full-Day Tickets to Széchenyi Spa
Balneario Széchenyi
Confirmación instantánea
Rated 4.2 out of 5.0 from 2559 reseñas.
63,20 €
56,88 €
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A millones de personas les encanta viajar con nosotros

Raymond lalor


Una experiencia fantástica, fácil de llegar en metro y el personal muy atento. Llevar una toalla, chanclas y gorra y reservar una cabina para cambiarse. El personal muy atento y servicial.
Ver la reseña original en inglés
Lomonaco Maurizio


Había una gran variedad de placeres, tanto al aire libre como en el interior, e incluso con tantos invitados se podían aprovechar fácilmente las diversas oportunidades.
Ver la reseña original en italiano
Lynn Lynch


We reserved the activity in advance by booking from here. We got a confirmation immediately and it was just so exciting to know we were going to try this amazing Széchenyi spa.
Lester Massey


I had seen pictures of these indoor baths at several locations and was excited to visit. thanks to this website, and its hassle free booking structure was able to experience ana amzzing day
Xander Koster


Great experience, we accidentally booked an another bath. First we want to go to the biggest bath, but this was also nice!! Nice staff and not to busy!

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