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Night Tour of Bohnice Mental Asylum Graveyard

Experience the gnawing fear that grips any soul who dares to wander in the abandoned graveyards that lie on the outskirts of Prague. The fact that this was a graveyard reserved for the mentally ill makes it exponentially creepier. This is not a tour for the weak of heart. Grab your flashlight, slip your feet into a pair of hiking shoes, and embark on this chilling journey into the paranormal.

    • A night filled with the terrors of a graveyard for the corpses of deranged patients, criminals, and long-forgotten soldiers is bound to be an experience you’ll remember.

    • You will get the chance to measure temperature levels, sounds, and electromagnetic radiations to detect paranormal activities.

    • Flashlights

    • Experienced guide

    • Paranormal investigation

    • Transportation to the cemetery and back to the city centre

  • Estas entradas no se pueden cancelar ni reprogramar.

  • It is not every day that you get an opportunity to verify or shatter your belief in the supernatural. There are many reports which state that this graveyard has a significant amount of strange electromagnetic energy spikes. The probability that the locals are not wrong in their claims is quite high. Although there are no electricity cables in the area, the shifts in the electromagnetic spectrum are massive, beyond all scientific explanation.

    The psychiatric treatments of the 19th and 20th century were truly horrifying. Patients were driven to the depths of insanity. The lives of the hospital’s inmates was nothing short of pure agony. What hides in the shadows of the graveyard? What terrors will you experience on this tour? There is only one way to find out.

  • You are free to bring your camera, EMF meter, digital recorder, or any other device that you think is capable of picking up paranormal signals. You will be led through the vast graveyard which houses more than 4000 graves. The tormented souls that have arisen from the rotting corpses below roam the graveyard aimlessly. You can try and use your equipment to pick up signals emanated by otherworldly beings.

    Local tales claim that the grave of Gavrilo Princip, the lunatic who sparked World War I, is located in this very graveyard. There is no need to elaborate on the sheer number of soldiers and civilians who lost their lives in the war as a result of this man’s actions.

    Step into the shoes of paranormal investigators as you discover tombstones and new spots of increased electromagnetic activity. There is no telling what will happen in a place as spooky as the mental asylum graveyard of Prague. You are advised to stay with your guide at all times. If you feel something is seriously out of place at any part of the tour, inform your guide immediately. Once you have explored the land of the dead, the guide will bring you safely back to Prague. This is a compelling and unique trip that can drastically change anyone’s outlook.

  • Timings

    This tour is available from April to October only on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8.30 PM. It will last for a duration of 3 hours.

  • How to Use Your Tickets

    You will receive your confirmation and your mobile voucher shortly. A print-out of the ticket is not necessary, just show your mobile voucher at ‘Trips & Tickets’, Tynska 7, Prague 1 on the scheduled day and time of your trip.

    Getting there

    It is a five-minute walk from the Mustek Metro Station; Staromestska is another nearby metro station.

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