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Las mejores experiencias en Abu Dabi

2 experiencias

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A woman kayaking through the mangrove park.
Eastern Mangrove National Park
Entradas para Kayak en los Manglares de Abu Dhabi
315 AED
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Camel ride during evening desert safari in Abu Dhabi with sand dunes in the background.
Abu Dhabi: Safari por el desierto con cena barbacoa, paseo en camello y sandboarding
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Rated 4.4 out of 5.0 from 2133 reseñas.
349,97 AED
249,98 AED
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A millones de personas les encanta viajar con nosotros

Austin Lynn


Dune bashing is one thing I've only ever heard of, but was such a thrilling experience. Our very friendly safari guide was very informative
Safari matutino por el desierto con paseo en camello y sandboarding
Thomas Calderon


The super comfy land cruiser was my oasis in the scorching heat, I preferred staying put there and taking in the magnificent view
Safari matutino por el desierto con paseo en camello y sandboarding
Alexa Merril


All kudos to Headout for arranging the best family vacation for us in years- the website and customer care in particular were very informative
Abu Dhabi: Safari por el desierto con cena barbacoa, paseo en camello y sandboarding
Tyler McPherson


Honestly, the desert safari wasn't all that great but as we headed to the Arabic camp and got to munch on dates while enjoying the belly-dancing show, my trip turned around. What an enticing performance
Abu Dhabi: Safari por el desierto con cena barbacoa, paseo en camello y sandboarding

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