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Las mejores experiencias en Ámsterdam

16 experiencias

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Keukenhof gardens with colorful tulips and traditional Dutch windmills in the background.
Visitas a los Molinos de Viento de Zaanse Schans
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Desde 42,50 €
36,12 €
Ahorra hasta un 15 %
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Giethoorn canal boat ride with tourists, traditional Dutch village houses, Netherlands.
Excursiones de un día desde Ámsterdam
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Rated 4.7 out of 5.0 from 766 reseñas.
Desde 74,50 €
67,05 €
Ahorra hasta un 10 %
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Delft cityscape with historic buildings and canal on Rotterdam, Delft & The Hague Full Day Tour.
Excursiones de un día desde Ámsterdam
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Rated 4.7 out of 5.0 from 982 reseñas.
79 €
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The Rozenhoedkaai canal in Bruges Belgium
Excursiones de un día desde Ámsterdam
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Rated 4.7 out of 5.0 from 742 reseñas.
79 €
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Exterior view of wind mills in Zaanse Schans
Visitas a los Molinos de Viento de Zaanse Schans
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Rated 4.8 out of 5.0 from 1146 reseñas.
Desde 37,50 €
31,88 €
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Keukenhof gardens tulip display with visitors, Amsterdam tour with roundtrip transfers.
Entradas a los Jardines de Keukenhof
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Rated 4.6 out of 5.0 from 4789 reseñas.
Desde 35 €
31,50 €
Ahorra hasta un 10 %
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Keukenhof tulip gardens and Zaanse Schans windmills in Amsterdam guided tour.
Entradas a los Jardines de Keukenhof
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Rated 4.7 out of 5.0 from 1630 reseñas.
67,50 €
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Windmills at Zaanse Schans with tourists exploring the traditional Dutch village.
Visitas a los Molinos de Viento de Zaanse Schans
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34 €
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Woman with her bike in tulips fields
Entradas a los Jardines de Keukenhof
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Rated 4.6 out of 5.0 from 6611 reseñas.
Desde 25 €
22,50 €
Ahorra hasta un 10 %
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Woman tourist at Dutch windmill in Zaanse Schans Village, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Visitas a los Molinos de Viento de Zaanse Schans
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22,50 €
20,25 €
Ahorra hasta un 10 %
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Tulip fields in bloom during a small group tour from Amsterdam.
Entradas a los Jardines de Keukenhof
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84,50 €
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Windmill surrounded by tulip fields at Zaanse Schans, Netherlands.
Entradas a los Jardines de Keukenhof
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139 €
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Windmill Village Zaanse Schans with traditional Dutch windmills near Amsterdam.
Excursiones de un día desde Ámsterdam
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22,50 €
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Giethoorn canal with boats and traditional Zaanse Schans windmills in the background.
Visitas a los Molinos de Viento de Zaanse Schans
Rated 4.8 out of 5.0 from 796 reseñas.
138 €
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Alkmaar Cheese Market vendors in traditional attire with cheese wheels, Zaanse Schans windmill in background.
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69 €
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Windmills and traditional Dutch houses at Zaanse Schans on a full-day tour from Amsterdam.
Visitas a los Molinos de Viento de Zaanse Schans
Confirmación instantánea
25 €

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A millones de personas les encanta viajar con nosotros



Fue una gran experiencia que tuvimos con mi amigo. Nuestro guía nos lo explicó muy bien en dos idiomas. Como nos aconsejó nuestro guía, comprad el pan de limón, os encantará. Muy recomendable.
Ver la reseña original en inglés
Desde Ámsterdam: Tour guiado de medio día por Zaanse Schans con degustación de queso
Laura Sims


Nos encantó la atracción de la piraña, la del río salvaje, muy divertida, sobre todo porque hacía mucho calor. Todo el parque es mágico y las atracciones son únicas. La atención al detalle es increíble. Estuvimos 2 días enteros y nos encantó cada momento.
Ver la reseña original en inglés
Entradas Parque Temático Efteling
Victoria Cook


Reino Unido
Los billetes a través de Headout eran más baratos que directamente con Efteling. Todo estaba en la aplicación y el correo electrónico era tan fácil y simple
Ver la reseña original en inglés
Entradas Parque Temático Efteling
Dr. Bert h Goro


I am going to be honest did not expect this your yo be anything special. Was I wrong amazing tour out guide was extremely knowledgeable and professional Your lasted almost 6.75 hours Plenty of time to rest between locations Highly recommend this tour
Tour a Volendam, Edam y Molinos de Viento desde Amsterdam
Caroline Workman


The driver and tour guide were great!! The booking agent not so good. My ticket stated pick up at 8:30 but it was suppose to say 9:00am. Then my ticket stated 5.5 hours but the tour was really 6.5 so we had to leave early. The tour was great but I was very ynhappy with rush to the pick up spot to just wait and think we had been left! I incurred a 15.00 dollar roaming fee to find out that it started at 9:00am. :(.
Tour a Volendam, Edam y Molinos de Viento desde Amsterdam


Reino Unido
Enjoyed the whole trip but the meeting location was very hard to find when you have only just arrived in the country.There was nothing on the shop front to say this was the meeting place, plus locals didn't know it either. Apart from this the trip to Amsterdam experience was interesting but Keukenhof gardens were stunning a super day
Tour guiado por Keukenhof y Experiencia del Tulipán en Ámsterdam
Alexis Cleveland


Do NOT skip out on the Amsterdam Canal cruise- it will blow your mind away. Was so happy with our purchase of these tickets
Tour guiado por Keukenhof y Experiencia del Tulipán en Ámsterdam


This Headout tour was the best! Keukenhof and Zaanse Schans are both must-sees and doing them together was perfect. The guide was excellent, telling us lots of interesting things. The transportation was smooth, and the whole day was well-planned. I highly recommend this tour to anyone visiting Amsterdam!
Desde Ámsterdam: tour guiado a Keukenhof y los molinos de viento de Zaanse Schans

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