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Combo (Réduction de 5 %): Rome Bioparco + Palazzo Barberini Tickets

Visitors exploring Bio Parco di Rome with Leonardo da Vinci Museum entry tickets.
Bio Parco entrance with view of Palazzo Barberini in Rome.
Visitors exploring Bio Parco in Rome with Castel St. Angelo in the background.
Visitors exploring Bio Parco di Rome with Leonardo da Vinci Museum entry tickets.

Enjoy the exotic wildlife in Rome and artworks by Italian masters with this money-saving combo ticket! Get a chance to see Caravaggio's famous painting as well as animal species unique to the region.

    • Visit Rome's Bioparco and Palazza Barberini with this 2-in-1 pocket-friendly combo ticket.
    • Get up and close with the exotic wildlife in the famous Bioparco di Roma.
    • Admire grizzly bears, tigers and apes while understanding conservation efforts for endangered species.
    • Enjoy a skip-the-line entry to Palazza Barberini and admire the works of great Italian artists.
    • Get a chance to see renowned paintings like Raphael's La Fornarina, and Caravaggio's Judith Beheading Holofernes.
    • Marvel at the swirling frescos of the Palazza designed by Pietro da Cortona, a Baroque architect.
    • Entry into Bioparco di Roma
    • Skip-the-line entry into Palazzo Barberini
    • Live guide
  • Ces billets ne peuvent être ni annulés ni reportés.

  • Comment recueillons-nous les avis ?

    4,198 évaluations
    • France
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    Des personnes de France, États-Unis, Espagne et plus de 38 pays ont adoré cette expérience
    Tiziana grassi



    déc., 2024

    La gentillesse du personnel. Pendant que je luttais pour sauvegarder mon billet. Le système de réservation ne prévoit pas de copie papier du billet Le système de réservation ne prévoit pas de copie papier du billet, seulement un billet numérique et que se passe-t-il si le téléphone portable est épuisé ?
    Voir le commentaire original en italien
    Fui Ping Brown



    oct., 2024

    Il a été beaucoup plus facile d'obtenir des billets pour la Galleria Barberini que pour la Bhorgese Gallery, puisque 50 œuvres d'art ont été déplacées de Bhorgese à Barberini. Il est très facile d'obtenir des billets en ligne et de se présenter à la galerie Barberini. Les peintures sont étonnantes et superbes, dans un palais magnifique. Bonus - Un bistro-café très sympa à l'étage de la galerie, dans les jardins du palais Barbetini, si jolis et si sereins. Le café était charmant et spacieux dans le charmant jardin.
    Voir le commentaire original en anglais
    Christopher Ash



    oct., 2024

    La basilique est fantastique et doit être vue par tous les visiteurs de Rome. La basilique est une œuvre d'art qui contient de nombreuses autres œuvres d'art, sculptures, peintures, mosaïques. On s'étonne du temps et des ressources investis dans sa construction et sa décoration. La visite guidée était très bien, j'ai apprécié les commentaires et explications de la guide qui s'exprimait clairement et était ouverte aux questions.
    Voir le commentaire original en anglais
    phoebe frowd



    juil., 2024

    Il y a des travaux en cours, mais tout va bien. Un peu loin pour marcher jusqu'au pallazo si vous venez en bus mais ce n'était pas si mal... L'art, les magnifiques peintures, tant de choses à voir et c'était vraiment agréable. excellente expérience !
    Voir le commentaire original en anglais
    Anda Lorena Cherestes



    avr., 2024

    Posto molto carino e animali tenuti molto meglio rispetto a molti zoo, rettilaio molto bello con un ottimo percorso da fare ..tuttavia snack bar molto poco forniti e bagni (tutti) in condizioni a dir poco pietose.
  • Bioparco di Roma

    Make your way to Bioparco di Roma, one of Europe's best animal-based attractions! Not only is it fun for the kids, but you’ll be awestruck by its conservation efforts. The zoological garden was founded in 1911 and has since evolved into a park that focuses on conservation, educational programs, and animal-friendly enclosures. It is home to a nearly 1,200-strong family of wildlife from about 200 different species of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians!

    Palazzo Barberini

    Fall in love with the combination of art and history with your visit to the Palazzo Barberini, a 17th-century palace home to Renaissance highlights from Raphael, Titian, and more. Admire the impressive frescoed ceiling designed by Italian painter/architect Pietro da Cortona, a famous example of the Baroque style. See the crucifixes and works by regional painters of legendary popes and cardinals. Key paintings you will get to see include Raphael's portrait La Fornarina, Caravaggio's Judith Beheading Holofernes, Filippo Lippi’s The Annunciation and a Hans Holbein portrait of Henry VIII.

  • Important Information

    Bioparco di Roma

    • Make sure to maintain a distance of at least 1 meter from others (who are not part of the same family unit) and to avoid any form of gathering.
    • During the visit to the park it is mandatory to wear a mask, even when in the outdoors.
    • In compliance with the hygienic-sanitary rules, it is prohibited to touch the windows or other surfaces and to respect the limitations present within the park.

    Palazzo Barberini

    • Cloakroom service is temporarily unavailable. It is forbidden to bring large bags, backpacks, or trolleys
    • Parking is available for people with disabilities. Entrances do not have architectural barriers. - There are ramps for wheelchairs, next to the ticket office, leading to the ground floor exhibition rooms and to an elevator giving access to the first-floor exhibition rooms
    • Note: From October 1, Galleria Corsini has been closed for renovation


    Bioparco di Roma

    • Daily from 9:30am to 5pm (last admission at 4pm)

    For reasons related to the needs of animals, the following departments will close:

    • Reptilary: 60 minutes before the park closes
    • Felini (lions, lynxes, leopards, tigers): 60 minutes before the park closes
    • Chimpanzé: 45 minutes before the park closes
    • Giraffes, Bears, Elephants, Rhinos: 30 minutes before the park closes

    Palazzo Barberini

    • Thu to Sun - 10am to 6pm
    • The ticket office closes at 5pm
    • Closed dates: Mon, Tue, Wed, Dec 25, Jan 1

    Discounted Tickets

    Infants aged 4 and under can go for free. Children aged 4-10, and senior citizens aged 65 and above enjoy reduced price tickets (carry a valid photo ID).

  • My Tickets

    • Your voucher will be emailed to you instantly.
    • Please display your mobile voucher along with a valid photo ID at the attraction.
    • If you have purchased reduced-price tickets, please carry your valid photo ID proof for verification.

    Ticket Redemption Points

    Bioparco di Roma

    • Enter the park directly by scanning their voucher at the local turnstiles at Bioparco di Roma.
    • Address: V.le del Giardino Zoologico, 1, 00197 Roma RM, Italy.
    • To locate the point on Google Maps, simply search for - Bioparco di Roma.
      Get Directions to the Redemption Point.

    Palazzo Barberini

    • Your ticket redemption point is at Palazzo Barberini.
    • Address: Via delle Quattro Fontane, 13, 00184 Roma RM, Italy.
    • To locate the ticket redemption point on Google Maps, simply search for - Palazzo Barberini.
      Get Directions to the RedemptionPoint.


    This ticket is valid on the date selected during checkout.

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