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4.1(1.9K évaluations)Rated 4.1 out of 5.0 from 1901 évaluations.

Musée de la prison de Clink

Remontez le temps et explorez l'histoire sombre du Londres médiéval au musée de la prison de Clink. Découvrez les détenus tristement célèbres et le système carcéral brutal grâce à nos billets pour ce site historique intriguant.

Ouvert aujourd’hui

10:00 - 18:00

Musée de la prison de Clink
Visitors exploring The Clink Prison Museum in London, viewing historical prison artifacts.
Visitors exploring historical exhibits at The Clink Prison Museum, London.
Clink Prison Museum entrance with historical artifacts display, London.
Visitors exploring The Clink Prison Museum in London, viewing historical prison artifacts.
The Clink Prison Museum entrance with historical artifacts display, London.
Annulation gratuite
Confirmation immédiate
1 plus
  • Osez visiter la plus ancienne et la plus redoutable prison de Grande-Bretagne

  • Remontez le temps et plongez dans une histoire qui remonte au XIIe siècle

  • Soyez choqué·e·s par les histoires terrifiantes de torture en prison

  • Approchez des artefacts fascinants, y compris des instruments de torture

En savoir plus

  • Osez visiter la plus ancienne et la plus redoutable prison de Grande-Bretagne

  • Remontez le temps et plongez dans une histoire qui remonte au XIIe siècle

  • Soyez choqué·e·s par les histoires terrifiantes de torture en prison

  • Approchez des artefacts fascinants, y compris des instruments de torture

à partir de
8 £

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Des millions de personnes adorent partir avec nous

Harry Camfield


My fiancé mentioned the museum to me when we went to visit her mum at Christmas 2023. So when she asked me what I wanted to do just after Christmas just gone. I said "let's go to The Clink". What a brilliant place to visit. All the horror stories about why people were sent to the prison. Not just debtors, which what it was meant for, but the religious prisoners too. You get to see exhibits and touch some of them, so you can feel and see what they were like, during the time they were used. Some of the stories may make your blood curdle, but it's worth it. There are plenty of information story boards around to help you understand what happened too and who ended up there...... Quite a few interesting characters. I know I wouldn't have wanted to end up there..... Awesome!
Jodie Kent


All round guide who did a great job talking about the history. Really enjoyed the combination of guide and private tour.. *Callum* was great! 😉
Raymond Harwood


Very interesting visit. The information boards and articles on display told a great story of the first prison in Britain and the terible conditions that had to be endured whether guilty or innocent.
Chibueze Ogbonnaya Anderson Ogbuagu


The way the old prison settings & artefacts have been re-enacted and preserved, the polite staff and the narrations on the walls. I also liked the stress-free booking process and the animated voices depicting the old prison setup.
Mrs Kellie Lawrence


Myself, husband and teenage daughter loved learning the history of the prison, the surrounding area and the people who lived there and the darker stories of the River Thames. The displays were very good, the torture instruments were grim, but interesting and gave us a real understanding of the suffering of these unfortunate people.
Danielle wynn


Brilliant for info, worksheet for keeping our youngest engaged throughout and enough gruesome info for us adults. Great value

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