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Alpaca World

Explore the exquisite landscapes of Korea's countryside with a guided day tour that takes you to Alpaca World, Nami Island, and the exhilarating Gangchon Railbike adventure. This tour promises to offer you an unforgettable experience.

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10:00 - 18:00

Alpaca World

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107 500 ₩

Les recommandations Headout

Sélectionner une date
13 h 20 min
12 h 50 min
8 h 20 min

Full-day guided tour of Alpaca World & Nami Island

Round-trip transfers

English, Chinese & Korean-speaking guide

Entry to Alpaca World

Entry to Nami Island

Railbike ride

Full-day guided tour

Multilingual English & Chinese guide

Round-trip transfers from Seoul

Entry to Alpaca World

Entry to Nami Island

Entry to The Garden of Morning Calm

Legoland 1-day admission ticket

Round-trip transfers

English and Chinese-speaking staff

Gangchon Railbike

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