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Carey Island Tickets & Tours

Browse through this collection and discover the untouched marvels of Carey Island. From its verdant landscapes to the rich traditions of the Mah Meri tribe, every experience awaits to tell you its unique tale. Don't miss the chance; book your tickets and immerse yourself in Malaysia's hidden paradise!

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11:00 - 17:00

Carey Island Tickets & Tours
Children on an inflatable tube, Amverton Riverine Splash
Amverton Riverine Splash
Amverton Riverine Splash
Amverton Riverine Splash
Children playing in a water park at Amverton Riverine Splash, Selangor, featuring colorful slides and splash zones.
Child swimming in a pool, Amverton Riverine Splash

Amverton Riverine Splash

Extended Validity
Instant Confirmation
2 plus
à partir de 68 MYR
65 MYR

4 % de réduction

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