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Meilleures expériences à Venise

Expérience 1

Annulation gratuite
San Marco Basin, Venice
Manger et boire
Confirmation immédiate
56 €

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Des millions de personnes adorent partir avec nous

Mackenzie Breuer


There’s no better way to experience Venice: the gondola boat ride is enough to see everything there is to see in Venice. Thank you Headout
Harper Lore


Everyone says that to get the true Venetian experience, you have to try the Gondola ride: and man was it worth it. My wife and I personally enjoyed this over the great seafood at the restaurant
Peyton Longmire


I’ve experienced the Gondola ride before, but never like this: you start at dusk, and take a short trip across the gorgeously lit city, after which you get off at a private dinner restaurant! Amazing
Claire Bjork


This is the perfect gift for a spouse/partner: the romantic serenade and the amazing private dinner afterward: worth the price
Julian Beckmann


The romantic serenade on the gorgeous gondola boat was hauntingly beautiful: I didn’t understand it, but music needs no language, am I right

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