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Meilleures expériences à Singapour

Expérience 1

Marina Bay Sands and Supertree Grove in Singapore during city tour.
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Des millions de personnes adorent partir avec nous

Patsy Eklund


The park is beautiful and birds of all colours and species are here. There is much to do in the park. Food is something that I would suggest not to miss. Even the show is amazing.
Arthur Leonard


Going for the transfer option is a good idea as it saves money and time. Moreover, Headout gives some great cashback offers.
Zaina Iftikar


I had read a lot of good reviews about the Jurong Bird Park and it definitely lives up to it. We were a huge group and hence, we opted for the transfer option and the service was great.
Cherise Smith


I am a bird-lover so this place is like heaven for me. The most important point for me is that the birds are kept with care and in a clean environment.

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