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Expérience 1

Opera Greatest Hits Sydney Tickets
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À partir de
94,80 $AU

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Des millions de personnes adorent partir avec nous

Lily Huang


We got quite good seats even though the price is the same if we had purchase directly from Opera Australia... but it was convenient.
Patricia Vasquez


Because what you offer that is. Just a sugestion, I’ m Chilean and I needed more information inside the theatre. People who work, yes , they are but when we arrived, we didn’t know anything. And the language ir is no so good. But it was fantastic.
Kate Erne


When I telephoned concerned I had been provided with only a ref number to pick up tickets I was reassured by person on the end of the telephone. Good customer service
Josh Kimber


Ticketing was very easy and streamlined upon arrival. We thought the whole production was excellent and the setting was phenominal. Have recommended to a lot of friends.
Marjorie Ann Maxwell


It all worked well. I chose your company because we could cancel and get our money back if the weather was going to be miserable. It all went very well and we enjojyed the experience. :)

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