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Meilleures expériences à Londres

Expérience 1

The Pantomime Adventures of Peter Pan London Tickets
Billets de théâtre à Londres
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À partir de
26,72 £

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Monique Saunders


Really easy to purchase tickets and seats were good. Play was amazing An email with the seat numbers clearly stated would be useful.
Mrs Gillian H Langan


Laughed from beginning to end! Perfect panto. The seamless storyline was cleverly executed by a team of fabulous performers. A perfect Christmas gift and the best way to start the New Year!
Andrew Vining


Everything was excellent, The tickets arrived immediatly by email and I was able to scan them onto my phone, On arrival at the Palladium the staff were very helpful as my wife is disabled and they could not have been more attentive, the show was just amazing, an outstanding production od Jack and The Beanstalk , Thank you
Maria Psarologou


I couldnt find my e ticket and immediately send me to the boxoffice. So helpful and polite. An amazing show with great actors. Oh i totally trust all the team and i ll be back for sure!
Carlos Melillan M


We had just like the best time ever, it was our first time in a play in London and we loved it. We sang, we danced and laughed at the top of our lungs. We would definitely go again and of course we recommend it
Marie Therese Attard Montalto


Le spectacle était excellent. Cependant, j'ai eu un problème pour accéder au billet à partir de l'email de confirmation. Les billets ont ensuite été imprimés par le gars à la porte.
Voir le commentaire original en anglais

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