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AustralieCairns, Australie

Cairns pour les amoureux de la nature

Admirez la beauté naturelle de Cairns. Nos expériences vous invitent à explorer les paysages, les parcs et les grands espaces de Cairns, loin de l'agitation de la vie urbaine.
Hikers exploring lush forest trail in Costa Rica, ideal for nature lovers.

Meilleures expériences

Meilleures expériences à Cairns

Visites guidées
Croisières promenade
Excursions d'une journée
Annulation gratuite
Tourists enjoying a full-day cruise from Cairns to the Great Barrier Reef, exploring marine life through a glass-bottom boat and semi-submersible tours
Croisières promenade
Confirmation immédiate
Rated 4.5 out of 5.0 from 948 évaluations.
À partir de
299 $AU
Annulation gratuite
Kuranda Scenic Railway crossing Stoney Creek Falls in lush rainforest, Cairns, Australia.
Visites guidées
Confirmation immédiate
Rated 4.5 out of 5.0 from 218 évaluations.
À partir de
180 $AU
Annulation gratuite
Boat cruising through rainforest river near Frankland Islands, surrounded by lush greenery and clear waters.
Croisières promenade
Confirmation immédiate
229 $AU
Paronella Park castle ruins surrounded by lush greenery, part of the Paronella Park & Mamu Tropical Skywalk Combo.
Confirmation immédiate
Rated 4.5 out of 5.0 from 1271 évaluations.
À partir de
79 $AU
Annulation gratuite
Brisbane Ocean Safari Tour boat on clear blue water with passengers enjoying the view.
Croisières promenade
Confirmation immédiate
Rated 4.7 out of 5.0 from 74 évaluations.
À partir de
197 $AU
Annulation gratuite
Guests on Calypso deck overlooking the Great Barrier Reef, Cairns, Australia.
Visites guidées
Confirmation immédiate
À partir de
299 $AU
Annulation gratuite
Tourists snorkelling in clear blue waters during a full-day cruise from Cairns to the Great Barrier Reef
Croisières promenade
Confirmation immédiate
À partir de
249 $AU
Annulation gratuite
View of the cruise from Cairns to Great Barrier Reef and Green Island
Annulation gratuite
Tourists enjoying snorkeling at Moore Reef during the Day Tour with Sunlover Cruises in Cairns, Australia
Excursions d'une journée
Confirmation immédiate
À partir de
175 $AU
Annulation gratuite
Tourists snorkeling at the Outer Great Barrier Reef on a sunny day during their trip from Cairns
Annulation gratuite
Kuranda Scenic Railway train winding through lush rainforest, Queensland.
Excursions d'une journée
Confirmation immédiate
Rated 4.2 out of 5.0 from 181 évaluations.
À partir de
262 $AU
Annulation gratuite
Skyrail cableway gliding over Barron Falls rainforest in Kuranda, Queensland.
Confirmation immédiate
Rated 4.2 out of 5.0 from 203 évaluations.
251 $AU

Des millions de personnes adorent partir avec nous

Merinda Tinkham


I only gave a Good rating because the Big Cat Green Island tour itself was good. The details of the tour on Headout's website were incorrect. The end of the trip was two hours after what was advertised on the site. I had selected to go snorkeling but, on the day, was told I was booked on the semi submarine and glass bottom boat. Two other parties from my group booked through Headout and we all ended up being booked on different things. It didn't make sense. Not only that but my sister's family booked the same tour through Headout days before I did but never received tickets. When she enquired with Headout about the booking, Headout had not yet submitted the necessary paperwork with the tour operator. Headout submitted the paperwork late and then ended up canceling my sister's booking by email. No call. I don't recommend booking through this site.
Ian McLeod


Le bateau a fait une belle excursion aller-retour, une belle journée, beaucoup de poissons et de tortues, on a même vu un requin de récif. J'aurais aimé que le capitaine nous donne quelques commentaires sur les environs, par exemple sur le temps qu'il nous faudra pour atteindre le récif et revenir sur le continent. A part cela, l'excursion d'une demi-journée était suffisante pour ce que nous sommes allés voir.
Voir le commentaire original en anglais


Did the snorkeling tour and absolutely loved it! I love exploring marine life and this was the perfect getaway. Would recommend taking a sunscreen for sure though
Francisca Johanna Wilhelmina Van Tilburg


Nous avons eu la chance que les conditions soient parfaites. La plongée avec masque et tuba était vraiment fantastique. De plus, il y avait beaucoup d'équipement et les guides étaient super !
Voir le commentaire original en néerlandais

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