Meilleures expériences à Hobart
Meilleures choses à faire à Hobart
Hobart, selon vos goûts
Incontournables à faire à Hobart

1Bruny Island
Visit the Bruny Islands for an adventure and leave all the hustle and bustle of the city behind as you take in the breath-taking views of the Tasmanian Coast.
2Wineglass Bay
Immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring allure of the Freycinet Peninsula as you cruise through its crystalline waters. Depart from Coles Bay and head towards the unrivaled splendor of Wineglass Bay.
3Port Arthur Historic Site
A UNESCO World Heritage-listed site that was once a notorious convict settlement, Port Arthur is one of the most significant regions of Australia. With interactive exhibits, guided tours, and historical enactments, learn about the harsh realities of of the people that lived and worked at this remote settlement.