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Meilleures expériences à New York

Expérience 1

The Gazillion Bubble Show New York
À partir de
70,80 $

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Sheldon Stone


I've used Headout a few times and it has been reliable. I think the service charge is high but so is the charge on other ticket services. It would cost more to get to NY an buy the tickets at the boxoffice.
Troy Matthews


My child was called on stage and was extremely thrilled to be a part of the interaction act! The Gazillion Bubble Show was memorable.
Susannah Cota


The Gazillion Bubble show is nothing like other kids shows, because it is meant for children and children only! You can take your two year old to the theatre and expect them to be mesmerized. My children couldn't take their eyes off the lovely bubbles that were being blown all around the theatre. Warning: If you're in one of the front row seats, expect to be covered in soapy residue by the end of the show!
Henry Evans


The day we went to watch The Gazillion Bubble Show, it revolved around Melody Yang. It keeps changing, so you will have a fresh experience. The one hour show was a fun, interactive and sensorial show. My children loved each and every minute of it!
Calogero Cavallo


Great Price!!! Great Service!!! I will be using Headout for all my tickets! Thank you! Gazillion Bubble Show was amazing!
Susan Russo


Great company to deal with. I bought two tickets to see a show and then two more friends wanted to join us. They called and were able to get tickets right next to us. The person on the phone was so polite and helpful. I would highly recommend. Thank you.

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