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Meilleures expériences à Waitomo

2 expériences

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Annulation gratuite
Guided group black water rafting through Waitomo caves with ziplining and abseiling experience.
Grottes de Waitomo
Rated 4.4 out of 5.0 from 21 évaluations.
314 $NZ
Annulation gratuite
Visitors ziplining through lush forest at Waitomo Caves Zipline Park, New Zealand.
Grottes de Waitomo
Confirmation immédiate
Rated 4.8 out of 5.0 from 11 évaluations.
125 $NZ

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Des millions de personnes adorent partir avec nous

Petra Lambeck


Nous avons passé un excellent moment ! Une famille avec deux enfants - 9 et 12 ans. Rob et Kelly sont des gens adorables. Nous nous sommes beaucoup amusés et nous nous sommes sentis en sécurité. Merci pour cette aventure familiale passionnante !
Voir le commentaire original en anglais
Amit Mardikar


Ce fut une expérience extraordinaire ! A faire absolument pour tous ceux qui sont dans la région de Waitomo. Rob et Kelsey étaient vraiment géniaux et se sont assurés que nous passions un bon moment à faire de la tyrolienne !
Voir le commentaire original en anglais
Edward Lotz


The teaching on the small runs and building up to the fast ones was perfect. I really loved the speed of the lines. Well worth it and one of my favorite activities so far in New Zealand.
Headout Guest

Headout Guest

This was an unbelievable experience. The glow worms were very cool to see, but more notably, we had a great group and excellent guides! I was a bit worried my mother would struggle but the guides did a great job helping her! The chauffeur they provided to the rafting sight was very comfy, and their entire staff was welcoming and made it a worthwhile trip!
Camille Mosier


The black abyss tour was absolutely incredible! For something that I'd been looking forward to for so long it's surprising that it actually exceeded expectations. The staff were all fabulous and accommodating even when we were late to the location. It doesn't hurt that our guides George and Mitch were also 🔥.

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