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Meilleures expériences à Tromsø

4 expériences

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Annulation gratuite
View of the Arctic Fjord Cruise
Observation des baleines à Tromso
Rated 4.5 out of 5.0 from 638 évaluations.
À partir de
1 490 NOK
Annulation gratuite
Tourists experiencing Northern lights during Small Group Northern Lights Chase Tour
Annulation gratuite
Tourists viewing Northern Lights in Tromsø during small group minivan tour.
Aurores boréales
Confirmation immédiate
Rated 4.2 out of 5.0 from 17 évaluations.
À partir de
1 750 NOK
Annulation gratuite
Alaskan Husky under Northern Lights in Alaska.
Aurores boréales
Confirmation immédiate
1 460,51 NOK

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Katharina Müller


Nous avons vécu une expérience formidable ce jour-là ! :) Tout d'abord, tout était très bien organisé. Nous avons reçu un courrier la veille de l'excursion nous informant qu'elle était complète et que tout le monde devait arriver au point de rencontre plus tôt pour un départ en douceur. Le MS Gabriele était très spacieux, il y avait des tables pour s'asseoir et des sièges confortables. Au bar situé au centre du bateau, on pouvait toujours acheter des boissons et des en-cas. L'aller simple a duré environ 2 heures, mais nos guides nous ont donné des informations très intéressantes sur les baleines et l'Arctique tout au long de la traversée. De plus, nous étions toujours autorisés à rester sur le pont et à observer le trajet. Lorsque nous arrivions enfin sur le site d'observation des baleines, notre guide Martina était à l'extérieur avec nous, indiquant à tout le monde où regarder, quoi chercher, etc. Nous avons vu beaucoup de baleines, quelques queues - c'était vraiment, vraiment bien et une expérience inoubliable ! :)
Voir le commentaire original en anglais
Headout Guest

Headout Guest

Staff was nice, the boat was neat and well maintained. Views were spectacular. If you are in Tromso, do not miss this tour.
Thomas Dubois


An unforgettable experience, our guide Carlos M was charming and very friendly. Your explanations were very useful to us. We were able to enjoy the auroras and it was an incredible moment! Highly recommended!!!


Efficient transportation, helpful orientation, and provision of thermal suits. Despite being accustomed to freezing US winters (-20 to -40 Fahrenheit not uncommon in late December) and being dressed in layers, including parkas, we were freezing. So TAKE THE SUITS when offered. The lavvu was very warm, so the layers were helpful after running in and out to see the lights before dinner. Our hosts were very flexible with the hot drinks, the meal was simple and beautifully presented. The sledding and reindeer feeding was a hoot, the lights were slowly starting to grow as we finished the ride and a full moon/stars complemented the beautiful scenery. Leaving Tromsø in the evening, as charming as the city is, was the best plan we made. Our Sami guides were equally charming during a conversational culture lesson. None of it felt rushed or rehearsed. It happened to be New Years Eve and after a wonderful evening the bus ride included sparkling, crystal clear snow and the start of fireworks EVERYWHERE along the harbour. Even if Lady Aurora is shy, the people, animals and country are worth the trip. Thanks to everyone who made it a special New Years Eve. Highlight of the trip for 17 AND 22 year old children, as well as their parents.
Alina Matei


Such an amazing experience! Our guide was super knowledgeable and patient, taking us to the best spots to catch the Northern Lights. He captured fantastic photos for everyone, and the hotel pickup made everything easy. This tour went above and beyond!
Ivo Dimitrov


This tour was worth every penny! Our guide was knowledgeable and went out of his way to make sure we got the best view of the Northern Lights. The unlimited time really made a difference, and the photos he took were stunning. Highly recommend this if you’re in Tromsø!

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