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Le migliori esperienze a Granada

1 esperienza

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Cordoba Mosque interior with intricate arches on a day trip from Granada.
Conferma istantanea
Rated 4.5 out of 5.0 from 1677 Valutazioni.
165 €

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I nostri ospiti amano Headout

Shauna Louise Valkenburg


Pick up was on time and on the journey we were filled in about different points of interest along the way. Many. Our guide was very easy to get along with and our walk around Cordoba before the Mosque tour was very informative.
Clyde Spencer


I would recommend people to visit hidden gems like these more than the toursity ones, as the beauty of the city is more authentic and rustic here
Brandi Nash


I did not want to miss the opportunity of visiting Cordoba's mosque and if it wasnt for HEadout's affordable rates and last minute availibility i would have definately missed out on it
Janet Parsons


Along with the Mosque-Catherdral we also saw the Jesih quarters. This place really is full of history, religion and mystery

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