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Le migliori esperienze a Cairns

1 esperienza

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Guests on the Cairns Aquarium by Twilight Tour
Acquario di Cairns
Conferma istantanea
Rated 4.5 out of 5.0 from 885 Valutazioni.
85 A$

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I nostri ospiti amano Headout

Claire walker


The experience was great. No problem at all. We loved our guide his enthusiasm was catching. He was extremely knowledgeable. Thanks to Cameron the whole experience was first clasd
Belinda Joseph


We had a wonderful time. Our host was full of information, she was more than happy to answer any questions and she made it fun.
caelyn allan


Good to be guided through the aquarium and be informed on the different species & habitats Only negative is the noise from the other groups as they got closer, made it harder to concentrate & hear what's being said
Melissa Buchholz


The tour was great and we loved seeing all of the exhibits. The tour group behind us was a little close at times and it was difficult to hear. The meal was a bit rushed and we thought that we would be seated near the aquarium.

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