Tour guidato della Fabbrica di Oskar Schindler, del Ghetto di Cracovia e della Miniera di Sale di Wieliczka
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set, 2024
La cappella di Kinga è stata mozzafiato. Consiglio vivamente questa visita. L'autista dell'autobus è stato puntuale prima e dopo e il personale è stato cordiale dall'inizio alla fine.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
nov, 2023
La guida è stata la migliore che abbia mai avuto e anche Peter, l'autista che ci ha portato alle miniere di sale, è stato molto disponibile. Nel complesso un'ottima esperienza.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
ago, 2023
The venues were amazing and the guides were great too, however the Salt Mine guide is from the Salt Mine not the provider.
apr, 2023
The tour guides were so helpful and accommodating when I showed up to the wrong location and waited 15 minutes for me to arrive
ott, 2022
The tour of the Salt Mine was great! Very informative and right at 2 hours. The driver was great. We also enjoyed the guide for the walking tour of the former ghetto. She provided a lot of information. We were somewhat disappointed with the tour of Schindler's Factory. It was so crowded with people because the group was not by itself. More importantly was the poor quality of the headsets. It was very difficult to understand our guide because of the static. We thought the tour would be more about Schindler, not about the history of the Jews living in Krakow at the time. That is not your fault because that is the theme of the museum. I would recommend your tour to others.
gen, 2023
Eva was an absolutely amazing guide. Would definitely recommend this tour
ago, 2023
ago, 2023
ago, 2023
ago, 2023
ago, 2023
ago, 2023
ago, 2023
lug, 2023
lug, 2023
550 zł
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