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apr, 2023
It's was pretty neat tour. Had a good time. It's money worth. No major hassles. The boat was well maintained & the crew on board was professional. But we could have done with a better on baord menu. I felt the menu was limited with options. Overall it was good experience.
gen, 2024
Fantastico! Mi sono davvero divertito con la mia famiglia. Il personale è stato puntuale
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
set, 2023
Molto ben organizzato personale eccellente e commento buona barca confortevole. Raccomandiamo
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
set, 2023
lug, 2023
giu, 2023
apr, 2023
mar, 2023
ago, 2023
I was emailed a ticket confirmation which included a link to the "tickets". This link said that I could show my phone at the boarding point. Upon arrival, I was told I needed a QR code despite no mention of a QR code, or any sort of additional on-site checking in during booking, in the confirmation email, or in the linked "tickets". We missed the boat.
We queued at the ticket desk and we were unhelpfully told we had missed the boat and that the following one would be very busy. Eventually we were given permission to take the next one.
The entire problem seems that it could have been avoided by a clearer booking process.
apr, 2023
set, 2023
Got to the pick up point well in advance when we showed our tickets on the phone to your rep who said we needed a voucher as our phone ticket did not
have a QR code
had to go to your ticket office and get voucher and ended up at back of queue
so you need to address this as it also happened to another couple in the que
hence will post this point on tripadvsor
set, 2023
Dire che la marea di barche a cui abbiamo partecipato è stata pessima è un eufemismo. La barca non si è nemmeno presentata e noi siamo stati truffati. Solo una barca ha lasciato il molo alle 21.00 e ci è stato detto che non era la nostra.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
apr, 2023
Leider gab es den inkludierten klein Snack nicht. So kann man natürlich auch sparen, wenn man den Dnack für drei Personen einfach weglässt. Zudem gab es keinen Hinweis darauf, dass man sich einen Giude aufs Handy laden kann. Zudem waren die Scheiben so beschlagen, dass man nichts sehen konnte.
gen, 2024
lug, 2023
24 €
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