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dic, 2022
We loved "Demon Dentist" at Bloomsbury Theatre. The whole experience was so smooth from the beginning till the end, booking was simple and straightforward,
the theatre was lovely, cozy and warm! Demon Dentist was fab, the story, acting & the stage was cleverly and professionaly done. Thanks!
gen, 2023
Beautiful auditorium. Great sound.
The only toilets were upstairs in the circle and so everyone from the stalls traipsed upstairs while audience from the circle tried to leave. Really unsafe.
Lack of snacks.
dic, 2022
Great actors and theatre, a lovely show. The dentist witch was an amazing singer, also loved Raj.
gen, 2023
gen, 2023
dic, 2022
dic, 2022
dic, 2022
dic, 2022
dic, 2022
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