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Le migliori esperienze a Zurigo

3 esperienze

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Engelberg village view with tourists on a guided tour in the Swiss Alps.
Tour da Zurigo a Lucerna
Conferma istantanea
Rated 4.1 out of 5.0 from 777 Valutazioni.
76 CHF
Cancellazione gratuita
Paragliders soaring over Interlaken with views of Swiss Alps and Lake Thun.
Tour di un giorno a Zurigo
Conferma istantanea
Rated 4.5 out of 5.0 from 825 Valutazioni.
104 CHF
Cancellazione gratuita
Lucerne's Chapel Bridge over Reuss River on a day trip from Zürich with optional yacht cruise.
Tour da Zurigo a Lucerna
Conferma istantanea
59 CHF

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I nostri ospiti amano Headout

Tanya S


Beautiful city. The tour did a good job of covering all the important city sights, and our guide was also friendly and knew a lot of interesting information about Lucerne.
Da Zurigo: Gita di un giorno a Lucerna con crociera in yacht (opzionale)
Glenda Foster


Stella, the guide, was very helpful. I loved the walk on top of Mount Pilatus. But my favourite part was the cogwheel railroad trip down the mountain!
Da Zurigo: Tour del Monte Pilatus d'oro andata e ritorno, con crociera in barca
Alfonso Holland


Tips: Was contemplating getting just the Rhine fall tickets but them alone you don't get your money's worth Wasn't sure the whole "you'll have access to sanitizers everywhere" rule that they specified because I've been to many attractionns since and many don't have them readily available - they do. Just ask the guide. We had to pay for the boat ride at the lcoation - that's not included in the ticket just saying
Tour guidato di 4 ore alle Cascate del Reno e al Castello di Laufen da Zurigo
Mitchell Brady


I appreciate that everything was organised so well and that the bus and guide were so punctual. An hour in Lucerne is just enough to see the top sights and Engelberg is a cute town.
Da Zurigo: Gita di un giorno a Lucerna ed Engelberg
Elijah White


Ugh my favo part was the he Emmentaler Show Dairy. Anyonne who loves cheese as much as I do, I'm talking directly at you - DO THIS
Tour guidato di un'intera giornata dell'Appenzello da Zurigo con degustazione di formaggi e cioccolata
Eric Garza


I didn't like the cable car ride I didn't think it would be that high and mid way it felt like it was going to stop. If you don't like steep ascents don't do this my vertigo was going nuts!!! Rest was good.
Tour guidato di un'intera giornata da Zurigo a Berna con degustazione di biscotti e formaggi
Anirudh Prasannan


Un'esperienza fantastica nel complesso! L'ospitalità dei padroni di casa (Ambi, Manuel) è stata deliziosa insieme a tutto ciò che ne consegue! La consiglio vivamente!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Da Zurigo: Gita di un giorno a Grindelwald e Interlaken
Bommaganti Krishnamurthy Srinivasa Murthy


Le spiegazioni e il modo in cui ci hanno portato nei diversi luoghi sono stati eccellenti. È stata una delle migliori esperienze che ho avuto.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Da Zurigo: Gita di un giorno a Grindelwald e Interlaken

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