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Minivans for Kennedy Space Center Round-Trip Transfers
Kennedy Space Center
Conferma istantanea
Rated 4.6 out of 5.0 from 555 Valutazioni.
89 $
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Trasferimenti aeroportuali
Conferma istantanea
49 $

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I nostri ospiti amano Headout

Lynda Margaret Lambe


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Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Edward S Rupe


Stati Uniti
La guida informativa che ci ha spiegato cosa aspettarci e come vivere al meglio il KSC ci è piaciuta molto. Ho apprezzato anche il biglietto d'ingresso scontato.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Daniel Aganan


Regno Unito
Il viaggio in autobus al Kennedy Space Center è stato fantastico! La guida ci ha fornito preziosi consigli sulle attrazioni da visitare, rendendo la nostra esperienza perfetta. I suoi consigli su dove iniziare sono stati azzeccati e ci hanno permesso di sfruttare al meglio il nostro tempo. Raccomandiamo vivamente!
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Michelle Zuccala


Il Kennedy Space Centre è un luogo speciale, le informazioni fornite durante il tour all'arrivo sono state molto utili, un'ottima guida e abbiamo trascorso una giornata fantastica. Lo raccomandiamo vivamente.
Leggi la recensione originale in inglese
Richard Dazeley


Regno Unito
The transfer coach was great. The lady was brilliant and gave is some great tips. However when i booked the trip online your site is a bit misleading, and i hold my hands up, its my fault for not reading more carefully but i was under the impression i was buying entry and transfers not just transfers. We got there and our tickets of course wouldnt let us into KSC. We luckily managed to get some tickets with the help of our guides and the day worked out great. As i said its mostly my fault but maybe the wording could be better on your site. The gate man said this problem actually comes up alot
Antony marshal John peter


Stati Uniti
The Bus came on time to pick us up directly to our resort. Luckily our resort was one of the pick up points. Communication was very clear on the timings of when the busy will travel back to Orlando. Our guide gave us tips on how to effectively spend time in Kennedy space center so that we don't miss anything. On the whole we loved the experience.
Martyn uttley


Great experience from start to finish. The woman on the bus gave us great information so we could get the best out of the experience. She was great. I would highly recommend.

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