Father Christmas Needs a Wee! is a musical adaptation of a famous children's book of the same name by Nicholas Allan. Make your way to witness this humerous and full-of joy musical for a pre-Christmass cheer!
Great For: Christmas | Kids | Comedy
Why Watch Father Christmas Needs a Wee!
Why Watch Father Christmas Needs a Wee!
Father Christmas Needs a Wee! comes to London this year to entertain all, kids and adults, alike. Make your way to witness the musical rendition of Nicholas Allan's book of the same name. Leave the theatre with eyes filled with tears, not of sadness but of joy. To see this humorous story in the form of a musical unfold, get your Father Christmas Needs A Wee! musical London tickets today.
Follow Santa Claus as he is visiting every neighbourhood, he has made a list like he does every year and knows who is naughty and nice. As he visits all the nice kids' houses to drop off the gifts, he eagerly consumes all the delectable sweets, cookies, and gallons of milk kept for him by the children as a thank-you treat for the presents. But as he comes closer to the chimney of house number 10, he starts to feel uneasy. He realises he needs to pee immediately. Can Santa make his way to the restroom?
The Story
The Story
This Christmas, Santa Claus is making his way through every neighbourhood, crossing off every nice kid on his list. He happily consumes many delicious sweeties, cookies and gallons of milk offered by the children as a thank-you treat for bringing them the gifts they want on holidays. But, all of a sudden, he begins to feel a little uncomfortable as he gets closer to the chimney of house number 10. He realises that he urgently needs to pee. Can Father Christmas find his way to the loo? What’s in store for him? Book your Father Christmas Needs A Wee! musical London tickets to watch this hilarious story unfold.
Top Songs
Top Songs
Father Christmas Needs a Wee! musical London is set to spread Christmas cheer among kids and adults alike with its iconic songs like "Santa's Doing His Thing", "Tonight's The Night", "Present Delivery Rap" among others to make this pre-Christmas show bring all the season's joy spread a little early this year. You can find the playlist here
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These tickets can't be cancelled or rescheduled.
Know Before You Go
Know Before You Go
Show Details
Genre: Musical
Duration: 1 hr 30 min inc one 15 min interval
Audience: Suitable for all ages
Opening Date: 03 Dec 2022
Closing Date: 24 Dec 2022
Theatre Name: Arts Theatre
Theatre Facilities: Bar, accessible toilets
Dress Code: Smart casual
Cast & Crew
Book By
Nicholas Allan
More About Show
Keep in mind, the theatre is air-conditioned throughout the year and can get a bit chilly. Bring along a light jacket if needed.
Show timings for Father Christmas Needs a Wee! are subject to change every week. You can check the show timings for your preferred date at the next stage of booking.
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My tickets
You will receive an email with your Father Christmas Needs a Wee! voucher. Please display the same on your mobile phone with a valid photo ID.