Embark on a journey with Jack, an affable newsboy who leads his group of hardy young 'newsies' in their pursuit to make better lives for themselves and escape the streets. With Newsies tickets, you can now witness the heartwarming story that has captured the hearts of audiences around the world.
Why Watch Newsies
Why Watch Newsies
Newspaper hawkers, or "newsies," belong to a long-gone era, however, the issues addressed in this US musical - set during their strike of 1899 - are still current affairs.
In this musical, which is finally making its way to the UK after ten years of a successful Broadway run, we meet Joseph Pulitzer (publisher of the New York World) maliciously revelling in his "brilliant" scheme to maximize profits by raising newsies’ paper prices. This plan slightly misrepresents history as it was actually due to an unexpected rise in circulation from the Spanish-American War that enabled sellers and publishers alike. The impact of these price increases on newsie earnings is poignantly addressed. Book your Newsie tickets now to grab the best seats in the house.
Great For
Musical | Dance | Disney
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Know Before You Go
Know Before You Go
Show Details
Genre: Musical
Duration: 2hr 30min with interval
Audience: 5+
No. of Shows a Week: ~9
Opening Date: 1 Dec 2022
Closing Date: 30 Jul 2023
Theatre Name: Troubadour Wembley Park Theatre
Theatre Facilities: Accessible Toilets, Wheelchair Spaces, Bar
Dress Code: Smart casual
Cast & Crew
Leading Roles
Michael Ahomka-Lindsay as Jack Kelly
Moya Angela as Medda Larkin
Lindsay Atherton as Ensemble
Samuel Bailey as Specs
Matt Cole
Book By
Harvey Fierstein
Additional Tips
- Keep in mind, the theater is air-conditioned throughout the year and can get a bit chilly. Bring along a light jacket if needed.
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