Catch the hilarious story of Rita, the abusive wife of faint-hearted Peppe. Rita's long-lost first husband makes his way back into her life. Now, the two husbands collide to decide who stays and who leaves.
Why Watch Rita
Why Watch Rita
This opera is a domestic comedy written by Gaetano Donizetti that hasn't failed to delight audiences for more than 160 years. This show premiered 12 years after Donizetti's death and has been a massive entertainer ever since. The plot revolves around an abusive wife, Rita and her faint-at-heart husband. Their story alone is humourous but then along comes Rita's long-lost husband who makes the plot even funnier.
Now the two husbands fight over who should leave and who should stay. This humorous opera, is showing for an extremely limited run at the Charing Cross Theatre.
Great For
Lovers of Opera | Friends night out |
Fans of Gaetano Donizetti
cancellation policy
cancellation policy
These tickets can't be cancelled or rescheduled.
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Know Before You Go
Show Details
Genre: Opera
Duration: To be confirmed
Audience: To be confirmed
No. of Shows a Week: ~8
Opening Date: 7 Aug 2022
Closing Date: 20 Aug 2022
Theatre Name: Charing Cross Theatre
Seating Capacity: 276
Theatre Facilities: Wheelchair accessible/restrooms/bar
Dress Code: Smart casual
Cast and Creatives
Laura Lolita Peresivana as Rita
Brenton Spiteri as Peppe
My tickets
My tickets
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