The coronavirus pandemic is spreading rapidly and has claimed tens of thousands of lives across the world. As the devastation continues to unfold, it is clear to many of us that this event is more daunting than anything we have witnessed in our living memories. And it needs the absolute best of humanity to overcome.
The sundecks on Dubai’s once crowded beaches now lie empty, and red flags can be seen warding off visitors away from the coastline. As the infection spreads, life, as we know it, has come to a screeching halt in one of the most visited cities in the world. Dubai’s hospitality and tourism industry - one of the critical parts of its economy - has suffered a painful blow, with hotels closing down and occupancy rates dropping to a mere 10%. Even the highly anticipated Dubai Expo 2020 (which was expecting a whopping 25 million visitors) has been postponed indefinitely.
The Help Out Project - Dubai
The Help Out Project - Dubai
While regular lives all over are impacted by the virus and the ensuing lockdowns, it is the isolated vulnerable groups among us that are most exposed and at direct risk. We want to do our bit to support them in these difficult times through this project. All contributions you make will go towards local initiatives and groups deeply rooted in the Dubai community and working on the front line to fight this menace.
We urge you to join hands in our solidarity initiative! Let's help those who are isolated, vulnerable and most exposed to the threat right now.
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