Explore 12 legendary sites of ancient Rome, from the Imperial Fora to the majestic Palatine Hill.
Główne punkty
Główne punkty
Get full-day access to every landmark in the Colosseum Archaeological Park, all with a single pass.
Visit SUPER Sites [Seven Unique Places to Experience in Rome], like the breathtakingly frescoed House of Livia or the grand Domus Tiberiana.
Discover newly opened sites like the Roman Forum Museum, home to the Taverns of the Via Nova.
Enhance your experience by attending multimedia shows and various ongoing exhibitions in the museums.
W cenie
W cenie
Entry to the Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, & Imperial Fora
Access to SUPER sites: Palatine Museum, Domus Tiberiana, House of Livia, & more.
Admission to ongoing exhibitions at select sites
Pass valid for one day
Full list of attractions & multimedia visit timings here
Nie w cenie
Nie w cenie
- Wstęp do Koloseum
Zasady Anulowania
Zasady Anulowania
Tych biletów nie można anulować. Jednak możesz użyć ich w dowolnym momencie do 31 gru, 2025.
Okres ważności biletów
Okres ważności biletów
Te bilety są ważne do 31 gru, 2025.
Twoja wycieczka
Twoja wycieczka
Let this be your Roman empire. An unforgettable day armed with a pass granting you entry to 12 extraordinary landmarks within the Colosseum Archaeological Park.
A fascinating route
The breadcrumbs of monumental ruins make for a captivating journey, starting at the Forum of Trajan. The route winds beneath the Imperial Fora where emperors roamed, passing through the ancient cellars of the Alessandrino neighborhood. Continuing along the Forum of Caesar, skirting the Forum of Nerva, and straight into the heart of the Roman Forum.
Through the hub of public life
Walk along the Roman Forum, where political and social life once thrived, and explore its Museum to uncover a rich history. The circular Temple of Romulus nearby holds many artifacts, sculptures, and artwork. Admire the stunning Palatine Hill, the city’s centermost plateau that was once the core of this empire.
Unmissable sites of culture
Venture into the exclusive SUPER sites – Seven Unique Places to Experience in Rome! These include the beautifully preserved Santa Maria Antiqua – the Forum’s oldest Christian monument, and the Curia Iulia where Roman senators once debated.
Up on the hill, discover relics of ceramic and stone in the Palatine Museum’s lower floor. Take a look at the frescoes in the House of Livia and the House of Augustus, which has a mosaic-filled subterranean site known as Aula Isiaca and Loggia Mattei. Explore the grand halls of Domus Tiberiana, an ancient imperial palace.
With access to ongoing exhibitions and multimedia displays, this pass offers an immersive journey through Rome’s past.
Godziny działania
Godziny działania
Co musisz wiedzieć przed podróżą
Co musisz wiedzieć przed podróżą
Ułatwienia dostępu
- The House of Livia is partially wheelchair accessible, while the House of Augustus and Domus Tiberiana are not accessible by wheelchair.
Dodatkowe uwagi
Your ticket is valid for one day after being stamped at the entrance.
It does not require a time reservation and can be used on any day within a month of purchase.
Please note that this pass only covers sites in the Archaeological Park (Forums & Palatine Hill), and does not include access to the Colosseum.
See the full list of attractions, entrances, and multimedia visit timings here
Access to the SUPER sites is restricted, as they preserve valuable paintings that might be affected by excessive crowding. You can access them from 9:30am until 1 hour before closing time.
The passage from the Archaeological Park of the Colosseum to the area of the Imperial Fora is open every day from 9am to 3:15pm.
Moje bilety
Moje bilety
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Punkt odbioru biletów
Show your ticket at Foro Romano (Roman Forum).
Address: 00186 Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome Capital, Italy.
Landmark: Via Sarca, near Arco di Tito (Arch of Titus).