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Calabouço de Edimburgo

O Edinburgh Dungeon oferece uma experiência inesquecível no subsolo que mergulha você na história mais arrepiante da cidade. Com atores ao vivo, cenários teatrais elaborados, narração de histórias cativantes e outras adições emocionantes, essa atração traz à vida o passado sombrio da Escócia, de criminosos infames a contos assombrosos.
Calabouço de Edimburgo
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Tourists exploring the eerie atmosphere of the Edinburgh Dungeon, a popular attraction in Edinburgh, Scotland
Tourists exploring the eerie corridors of The Edinburgh Dungeon, a unique and thrilling attraction in Edinburgh, Scotland, with The Edinburgh Dungeon Ticket
Tourists exploring the eerie Cannibal Cave at The Edinburgh Dungeon, a unique and thrilling attraction in Edinburgh
Tourists experiencing the chilling Cannibal Clan exhibit at The Edinburgh Dungeon, a popular attraction in Edinburgh, Scotland
Tourists exploring the eerie atmosphere of The Edinburgh Dungeon Castle, known for its chilling ghost stories
Tourists experiencing a thrilling show at The Edinburgh Dungeon Anatomy Theatre, a unique attraction in Edinburgh
Tourists exploring the eerie Kirkyard at The Edinburgh Dungeon, a unique and thrilling attraction in Edinburgh, Scotland
Visitors experiencing the eerie atmosphere of The Edinburgh Dungeon Courtroom during a guided tour
Tourists experiencing the eerie atmosphere in The Edinburgh Dungeon Torture Chamber, a popular attraction in Edinburgh, Scotland
Tourists experiencing the Witches Judgement show at The Edinburgh Dungeon, a popular attraction in Edinburgh, Scotland

Ingressos para o Edinburgh Dungeon

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Ingressos eletrônicos
1h 20min
a partir de
£ 21,50

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