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Melhores experiências em Budapeste

4 experiência

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Budapest dinner cruise with guests enjoying a folklore and operetta show on the Danube River.
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Rated 4.3 out of 5.0 from 899 avaliações.
a partir de
€ 77
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Dinner cruise on the Danube River in Budapest with live piano show and three-course menu.
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Rated 4.7 out of 5.0 from 717 avaliações.
a partir de
€ 77
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Danube River cruise with guests enjoying sunset cocktails in Budapest.
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Rated 4.3 out of 5.0 from 25 avaliações.
a partir de
€ 32
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Danube River evening cruise with candlelit tables and live musicians in Budapest.

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Milhões de pessoas adoram viajar com a gente

Adrienne Marie Clark


I'm sure I won't spell this right, but Csenge was a lovely waitress and took great care of us! The boat was lovely, the views and food were unbelievable, and the pianos & singing were fun!
Krystal Bridges


Unforgettable evening on our dinner cruise!!!! Cant believe it we were able to do it while making a whole in our pocket.
David Gullman


Estados Unidos
Spectacular views as we cruised along the Danube! Getting to see Buda Castle and Parliament lit up at night was breathtaking! It was so calm on the water. The 6-course meal was delicious! The wait staff was quick and kind and on point! The 4-piece quartet of musicians played soothing melodies while a singer sang beautiful songs that transported me back to the past: like I was an aristocratic member of 19th century Europe! There were large families and couples and singles all out enjoying good food and good music. And the Hungarian folk dancers were a great bonus!


Loved this cruise! My husband and I loved the Goulash and we enjoyed the live performances. Definitely recommend this if you're in the city.
Peter Johnston


Great experience. The boat trip was very good. The meal was good, and our waiter, Csabi, was excellent. The little orchestra was very good. The baths were rather crowded, but a good experience


O cruzeiro foi maravilhoso sob todos os pontos de vista: fomos muito bem recebidos e o pessoal foi super eficiente, o jantar foi um buffet com uma grande variedade de pratos, goulash, sopas, carnes assadas, acompanhamentos, frutas (ananás, laranja, uvas, salada de frutas), sobremesas, vários tipos de strudel e um bolo de colher, tudo acompanhado por 3 cordas (violinos e contrabaixo) e dançarinos em trajes tradicionais. Claro que Budapeste à noite é simplesmente um sonho, uma navegação lenta e atmosférica, muito recomendada!
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Roberto Mollica Bisci


Grazie all' aiuto di Patrick, manager della crociera con cena sulla motonave, siamo riusciti a superare un iniziale disguido: sembrava che non ci fosse la prenotazione comprensiva di cena ma solo circa la crociera. In pochi minuti abbiamo risolto e ci siamo goduti due ore con una ottima cena, un bravissimo trio di archi e due danzatori ungheresi.
Kerry Bentham


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