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mar, 2025
O capitão era muito bem informado em nosso cruzeiro pela Baía de Wineglass. Toda a equipe foi muito simpática, prestativa, educada e atendeu prontamente a todas as solicitações.
Talvez, de agora em diante, seja benéfico disponibilizar um local para as necessidades dietéticas ao reservar as passagens on-line.
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mar, 2025
Barco confortável, equipe muito simpática e atenciosa. O almoço estava delicioso. O custo-benefício é muito bom e a paisagem é linda. Altamente recomendado.
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fev, 2025
A experiência foi boa. Não estou satisfeito com o preço de US$ 385,45 na confirmação da reserva e a cobrança de US$ 638,60 no meu cartão Visa. Se eu não tiver notícias suas, levarei o assunto ao Visa.
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jan, 2025
Tivemos um dia maravilhoso com a tripulação, apesar de eu e minha filha estarmos um pouco enjoadas. Um grande agradecimento especial à Talia, que foi fabulosa ao nos ajudar a limpar minha filha e nos dar sua jaqueta para usarmos, pois suas roupas estavam soltas.
Antes de tudo ir um pouco para o sul, pudemos ver alguns golfinhos, focas e paisagens incríveis.
Obrigado a todos vocês por um dia maravilhoso.
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mar, 2025
fev, 2025
jan, 2025
nov, 2024
fev, 2025
out, 2023
A tripulação, o barco, as janelas enormes, a limpeza, o almoço e as bebidas.
Absolutamente fantástico - ainda bem que o fizemos!
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fev, 2024
Passámos um dia maravilhoso. O cruzeiro foi fantástico, os funcionários foram fantásticos.
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jan, 2023
It was good experience. Saw many dolphins and seals.
nov, 2023
Os funcionários foram fantásticos, informativos e divertidos. Tivemos a sorte de ter um dia bonito, por isso o Ewen conseguiu levar-nos um pouco mais longe e vimos uma baleia jubarte e a sua cria. O barco era muito confortável. Vimos golfinhos, focas e muitos pássaros.
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set, 2023
Lovely views, it's a shame that the way the seating it's arrange only people setting on the left appreciated it. We thought that we'll catch some of the view on the way back, but it was too fast and too far from the shore. Staff lovely and friendly
set, 2023
Fantastic crew! They were very helpful and informative. We came by some whales on the way back from Wineglass Bay that was incredible!
mai, 2023
It was a truly magical day! Weather was perfect, scenery was stunning, spotted some whales frolicking along the coastline-spectacular and some sea eagles and the list goes on! Also a special shout out to the crew who provided us with quality service! Their communication/presentation skills were excellent, they were friendly/happy and did everything possible to ensure everyone had a great time! 10/10
Cheers. Lin & Bob Graham
mai, 2023
The day was spectacular, the staff were wonderful, their service reflected quality and Tue food and beverages were of high quality
abr, 2023
Disappointed as booking online have now been charged an international fee. Company is London based, What the?
I enjoyed although no sunshine, unfortunately my family didn't as both seasick
mar, 2023
That we got to witness a pod of dolphins feeding and playing near the boat and saw seals. We also loved the way the crew worked. Everyone knew their job and did an excellent job. They were like a well oiled machine.
fev, 2023
Fantastic, fun, relaxed cruise. Loved seeing the dolphins especially. Beaches were beautiful. Crew friendly and made the day more enjoyable. Would def recommend.
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AU$ 175
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