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jan, 2025
ago, 2023
Ce n'est pas l'histoire du groupe ni de Fred Mercury mais une histoire construite autour des chansons du groupe Queen. Chaque titre est l'occasion d'un thème dans cette histoire basée dans le futur, période sombre pendant laquelle toute forme de musique est interdite, sauf pour les rebelles bohémiens isolés sous les ponts de la rivière afin de parler musique et rechercher leur nouvel héros qui révolutionnerait leur monde.
Beaucoup d'humour à travers des références de titre, une légèreté touchante des personnages et pas moins de 30 personnes sur scène et le tout en live, très rock dans un décor simpliste habillé de lumières et de projections en vidéo. Le casting était parfait et le spectacle de grande qualité dans un vrai vieux théâtre londonien ce qui ajoute de l'intérêt s'il en fallait plus encore.
Nous avions des tickets dans les balcons, les moins chers et nous avons très bien vu l'ensemble du spectacle, tarif à 40€. Top !
jul, 2023
Adoramos o teatro e o espetáculo! Um artista e uma atuação incríveis. Somos do Chile e estamos em Londres de férias. Foi uma noite fantástica. Parabéns a todas as pessoas que estão nos bastidores.
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ago, 2023
Adorava trabalhar com os meus colegas quando tínhamos o WWRY no London Coliseum, era o meu sítio preferido.
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ago, 2023
A qualidade do espetáculo e do teatro. Foi uma experiência fantástica. Vimos o We Will Rock You há 10 anos e também apreciámos a evolução do espetáculo.
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ago, 2023
O espetáculo "We will Rock You" foi fenomenal! Reservar os bilhetes convosco foi fácil. Gostaríamos de poder adicionar digitalmente os nossos bilhetes à nossa Apple Wallet. No geral, foi uma óptima experiência! Obrigado!
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ago, 2023
The show was great even though I knew we were along way back, but the seating on the balcony in the Coliseum is the worst I've ever experienced very very uncomfortable 😕
ago, 2023
Easy to get to theatre from our hotel. No problems entering or leaving - well organised.
Comfortable auditorium.
Great show!
e-tickets easy to use.
ago, 2023
Nice experience! Very well organized, during the break you can eat or drink in a room where you can buy souvenirs, pretty good place with nice music.
There are many personal who helps you to find you seat number. I would definitely like to come back.
ago, 2023
The atmosphere was great, visibility from the seats in upper circle, really good and drinks service before the performance was very good. Sound quality was not perfectly clear for the songs.
ago, 2023
The show was amazing! Easy to get to. The seats were w bit uncomfortable but for 100 year old theater it's to be expected. But amazing show...well worth it!!
ago, 2023
It was all fantastique. It couldn't be better. I would like to have a chance to see this show again.
Many thanks to all the artists and the staff.
ago, 2023
Loved the music! Great actors/singers. Good sound! The only drawback were the seats. Place was ok, but the the seats were really uncomfortable. Disappointed that seats in a big theatre in London were not better. They were hard to sit on, no space for your legs. My knees were touching the seat in front of me all the time, and after more than an hour in this seat it was really painful to get up and stretch your legs.
jul, 2023
A música era excelente e a atuação era fantástica, todos eram cantores brilhantes.
A atmosfera era muito boa e o pessoal estava atento ao serviço.
Em suma, um momento para recordar.
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jul, 2023
Sinto que alguém não deveria ter tomado a iniciativa de nos informar que todas as ruas próximas do local estariam fechadas devido à Pride Parade. Passámos por uma experiência horrível ao tentar encontrar uma entrada para o local. Chegámos atrasados, apressados e stressados, depois de termos gasto quase 400 libras para ir ao evento. Somos do Canadá. Alguém devia ter-nos informado para nos podermos preparar.
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jun, 2023
Good Price for 2 very Nice Seats to "We Will rock you"!
Easy to buy and e-mail with tickets cane imedialy and a fantastic show!
jun, 2023
Sentámo-nos na F1 +2. Era possível ouvir as vozes online antes do início dos instrumentos. Quando os instrumentos começaram, as vozes foram abafadas. Informámos os técnicos no intervalo, mas nada mudou - por isso, com a música, só ouvimos os instrumentais. É mau!
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jun, 2023
it was a full first time experience with West end musicals and with the amazing London Coloseum theater . we were very impressed by the easy way to get the tickets on my mobile smartphone .
dez, 2023
A experiência de compra de bilhetes foi perfeita e os lugares eram óptimos.
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set, 2023
O espetáculo foi fantástico, desde a reserva dos bilhetes, ao local, à equipa do teatro e ao espetáculo.
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