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fev, 2025
mar, 2024
As vistas eram espectaculares. O teatro Voyager foi espetacular
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jan, 2024
Muito fácil reservar e resgatar bilhetes.
Adorei o teatro voyager. A prancha VR foi irreal, superei o meu medo muito rapidamente graças ao grande apoio da equipa
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set, 2023
Foi ótimo levar o meu filho de 7 anos, ele adorou a vista, já para não falar da prancha VR que foi muito divertida e do teatro voyager.
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dez, 2023
Era bom, mas infelizmente havia demasiadas pessoas.
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jan, 2024
jan, 2024
jan, 2024
jan, 2024
jan, 2024
jan, 2024
jan, 2024
out, 2023
out, 2023
set, 2023
set, 2023
set, 2023
The VR experience was pretty cool but the audio was patchy, and my husband's chair had major issues. The staff should really give you a bit more guidance about the experience- about making sure the picture you see is clear when the headset is placed on, and encouraging people to look around to get the whole experience, and take note of the smell and stuff- as all that could be missed easily if people are not used to this sort of experience. Actually, my kids totally missed the smells and my husband didn't quite know what he was smelling either. The view is amazing from the sky deck, but the glass bottom thing pretty disappointing as the glass is pretty scratched up. Overpriced for what it is. You have a better sense of the height from the free outdoor area where it's windy. VR plank was fun, but again a bit overpriced?
jan, 2024
Desiludido, não recomendo.
As actividades são demasiado curtas e não são tão excitantes como se dizia. Um desperdício de dinheiro, de facto.
Necessidade de rever e oferecer valor e entretenimento, o que não aconteceu.
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a partir de
AU$ 48,45
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