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Experience Normandy to Paris the Easy Way

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12 hrs - 13 hrs
Anulare gratuită
Transferuri incluseTransferuri incluse
Mese incluseMese incluse
Ghid local specializatGhid local specializat
  • Go on a full-day guided tour from Paris to the US D-Day landing beaches in Normandy with round-trip transfers in an air-conditioned vehicle.

  • Your expert WWII guide will share gripping accounts of D-Day, detailing the strategic planning and execution that shaped history.

  • Explore key battle sites like the Omaha Beach, Pointe du Hoc, Normandy American Cemetery and Arromanches.

  • Opt for either a small-group tour with a max. 8 guests or a standard group experience with up to 25 participants. The small-group option also includes access to the Overlord Museum.

  • Enhance your tour by adding a two-course traditional meal, paired with local cider, at a charming seaside restaurant.

109 €
  • Experimentați un tur ghidat captivant de o zi întreagă, reconstituind pașii bravilor soldați canadieni în timpul invaziei D-Day din Normandia.

  • Explorați Juno Beach și buncărele germane, îmbogățiți pe deplin de cunoștințele unui ghid expert într-un grup mic și intim.

  • Turul buncărelor germane originale ale Zidului Atlanticului care sunt interzise și opriți-vă la "Canada House", prima casă eliberată în Ziua Z.

  • Redați un omagiu Cimitirului Canadian, vizitați cel mai îndepărtat punct atins de trupele canadiene în Ziua Z și explorați muzeul panoramic Grand Bunker.

  • Știați că...? Numele de cod al sectorului canadian de asalt din Ziua Z a fost Juno și a fost unul dintre cele cinci sectoare ale invaziei aliate.

240 €
11 hrs
Anulare gratuită
Transferuri incluseTransferuri incluse
Ghid local specializatGhid local specializat
  • Experience a semi-private tour ( max. 8 guests), allowing for a more in-depth exploration of the Somme battlefields.

  • Journey from Paris in a comfortable, air-conditioned van, guided by an expert historian who brings the events of the Great War to life.

  • Benefit from your guide showing you around the Beaumont-Hamel Newfoundland Memorial, Lochnagar Mine Crater and the Red Baron’s crash site.

  • Gain entry to the Somme 1916 Museum in Albert, where an underground exhibit showcases wartime artifacts, weapons, and personal stories of soldiers.

  • Delve deep into WWI history with visits to significant sites like the Thiepval Memorial, Australian National Memorial, and the Sir John Monash Centre.

215 €
14 hrs
Anulare gratuită
Transferuri incluseTransferuri incluse
Ghid local specializatGhid local specializat
  • Într-un tur de o zi întreagă, aflați despre fascinanta insulă și mănăstire Mont Saint-Michel de la un ghid cunoscător vorbitor de engleză.

  • În timp ce călătoriți cu un autocar cu aer condiționat de la Paris la Mont Saint-Michel, admirați peisajul uluitor al peisajului rural din Normandia.

  • Explorează meterezele și turnurile întortocheate ale insulei și auzi de la ghidul tău cum a rezistat multor invazii de-a lungul anilor.

  • Abația Mont Saint-Michel a fost construită în jurul anului 708 d.Hr., mai ales în stil gotic. Explorați terenurile, mănăstirile și catedrala Abației Benedictine cu ghidul alături.

119 €
13 hrs
Anulare gratuită
Transferuri incluseTransferuri incluse
Ghid local specializatGhid local specializat
  • Descoperiți tot ce este de știut despre locurile importante ale Zilei Z din Normandia, însoțiți de un ghid expert vorbitor de limba engleză.

  • Uitați de durerile de navetă! O navetă confortabilă cu climă controlată vă va duce de la Paris la plajele nisipoase care au fost martore ale bătăliei din Normandia.

  • Ascultați poveștile sfâșietoare ale războiului în timp ce vă plimbați printre exponatele permanente ale Muzeului debarcării de pe plaja Utah și ale Centrului de vizitare Normandia.

  • Onorați sacrificiul veteranilor de război care au luptat împotriva nazismului în timp ce vă plimbați prin Cimitirul american din Normandia și asistați la ceremonia de depunere a coroanelor.

  • Știați că...? Ziua Z din Normandia este considerată drept cea mai mare invazie amfibie de o singură zi din istorie.

109 €
11 hrs - 13 hrs
Transferuri incluseTransferuri incluse
Mese incluseMese incluse
Ghid local specializatGhid local specializat
  • Spend a day visiting the battle sites and landing beaches, part of Normandy’s D-Day accompanied by an expert guide on a small group tour.

  • La Pointe du Hoc, where US Rangers landed and took control of the heavily fortified German point, is your first visit.

  • Proceed with your visit to Omaha Beach, the scene of the most challenging and spectacular attack, where nearly 2,500 men sacrificed their lives in a matter of hours.

  • Visit the Colleville sur Mer American Cemetery, home to almost 9,000 white crosses arranged in a perfect row honoring American soldiers who lost their lives fighting in World War II.

  • A visit to Juno Beach, home of the renowned "Canada House," which is claimed to have been the first home freed by Allied forces on D-Day, marks the end of the day.

240 €

Rezervați fără griji cu Headout

Curated experiences

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Expert guides

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Călătoriți liniștit, știind că echipa noastră e doar la un apel distanță.

  • Descoperiți Invalides, cel mai emblematic monument militar din Paris, cu un bilet cu intrare rapidă la Muzeul Armatei și mormântul lui Napoleon I.

  • Pătrundeți în cea de-a treia cea mai mare colecție de artă și obiecte militare din lume. Vizitați departamentele războaielor mondiale în propriul ritm și retrăiți momentul istoric de cotitură al Zilei Z.

  • Explorați secțiunile dedicate celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial și retrăiți, în special, momentul istoric de cotitură al Zilei Z.

  • Știați că...? Numărul total al victimelor pentru întreaga campanie din Normandia, care a durat din iunie până în august 1944, este estimat la peste 425 000 de soldați aliați și germani

from 126 €
119,70 €

reducere de 5%

12 hrs - 14 hrs
Transferuri incluseTransferuri incluse
Mese incluseMese incluse
Ghid local specializatGhid local specializat
  • Imersați-vă în istoria dramatică a Zilei Z în acest tur ghidat de o zi întreagă. Din confortul unui microbuz cu aer condiționat, călătoriți înapoi în timp și dobândiți o înțelegere mai profundă a evenimentelor decisive ale celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial.

  • Plimbându-vă pe nisipul Plajei Omaha, urmăriți cum se desfășoară istoria, în timp ce ghidul dumneavoastră vă spune o poveste vie despre soldații curajoși care au luat cu asalt aceste țărmuri.

  • Turul include o vizită la Muzeul Overlord, unde veți avea o senzație autentică a Zilei Z cu o colecție extinsă de uniforme, arme și tancuri de epocă. De asemenea, savurați aici o masă delicioasă, inclusă în pachet, în timp ce absorbiți experiențele de dimineață.

  • Vizitați Cimitirul american de la Colleville sur Mer, un omagiu solemn adus celor care au făcut sacrificiul suprem.

  • Alegeți să faceți upgrade la bilet și să includeți în experiența dvs. transferuri dus-întors fără griji la hotel.

280 €

Cele mai bune lucruri de făcut în Нормандия

Planning a day trip from Paris to Normandy

Dotted with lush greenery, sprawling meadows, and towering castles, Normandy has a lot in store for tourists visiting for a taste of the French culture. Nature lovers and art enthusiasts are commonly seen flocking to make the most of the dramatic woodlands and Normandy beaches during the summer season.
The rich history and serene atmosphere often make Normandy the place to be for those wishing to escape the mad Parisian crowd. What makes it an even sweeter deal is its accessibility from the capital and the several options for day trips from Paris. A trip from Paris to Normandy can work for a day’s trip, as well as an elaborate holiday, depending on how one plans it!
Normandy is one of the most visited places in France because of its role in the history of the World War II and the Normandy Landings. A day trip from Paris to Normandy will allow you to witness the infamous D-Day beaches in all their present-day glory. Despite being a battleground during the World War II, the Omaha beach in Normandy today is best known for its untouched, sandy floor.
Your day trip from Paris to Normandy starts in an air-conditioned bus that will take you through the iconic sites on your way to Normandy. After getting briefed on the history of Normandy, get down at Utah Beach, and have a look at the various possessions of the soldiers that gave their lives in the war. Then, take a stroll down the apple orchards and visit a 17th century barn for a taste of the famous apple brandy — Calvados. Relish an authentic two course meal at a local restaurant, before embarking to Pointe du Hoc and the American Cemetery.

Why go for these tickets?

• A detailed tour of D-Day beaches along with interesting analysis of the history
• Learn more about the Great War at the John Monash Center and the Museum of the Great War in Perroné
• Visit the famous Pointe Du Hoc Battlefield, where you can explore the ruins of bunkers and pillboxes
• A stop at the meeting point of the English Channel and River Orne
• Pay homage to the soldiers who lost their lives at the Australian Memorial, the Thiepval memorial and more
A guided tour is perfect for those willing to dig deeper and know more. These are a few ways you can benefit with a guided tour ticket for your visit to Normandy:
Cost: While going on a tour by yourself might be cheaper, the guided tour at Headout takes you to Normandy from Paris at a modest price. This cost-efficient tour takes care of your hotel transfers and guarantees skip the line at several iconic pit stops on your way. This way, you can plan your trip on a budget and make the most of it without compromising on the important places.
Comfort and Safety: Guided tours ensure safety at all time. Escorted in a group of few, the tour guides take utmost care to make sure the tourists are at comfortable and at ease, which is not always the case with a self tour option.
Insider knowledge: Unlike a self tour, a guided tour comes with the accompaniment of a skilled guide. Often a local who is well-versed with the history and happenings of the area, this guide can provide you offbeat and interesting quirks about the trip that may not be found even in books or literature.
Organized: While a self-tour can be easier to manage, a guided tour guarantees organisation within smaller groups that can provide you the discipline of time. The curated itinerary provided at the beginning of your trip will make sure you make the most of your tour without compromising on any important attractions.
Socializing with others: A guided tour usually travels in a close-knit group, which gives you more space and ample of time to socialise with other tourists from your country. You may even find groups with similar interests and it may help facilitate a healthy exchange of knowledge between the group.
Other ancillary provisions (food and attraction tickets): Your combo ticket may also come equipped with several perks apart from a guided tour. You may pick combinations that include food as well as transfers on your tickets. You can also pick VIP passes for several places that can give you a special, inside tour of the place that is exclusive to your group only.
Distance from Paris: 280 km
Travel time: 3.5 – 4 hours
Train from Paris to Bayeux (Normandy)
Take a train from Gare Saint-Lazare in Paris to the Bayeux train station. Over 7 trains make this journey every day. Once at the Bayeux train station, you will find plenty of bus and taxi options that head towards the D-Day beaches. Note that not all trains travel directly from Paris to Bayeux – you may have to change at Caen to take a train to Bayeux.
Paris to Normandy D-Day beaches by car
Take the A13 motorway from Paris to Caen. Once at Caen, take the motorway N13 then Exit 36 in the direction of Bayeux and the Normandy Beaches. The drive is 270 kms long and will take you 3 - 3.5 hours.
Without having to list its historic significance, Normandy in itself makes for an attractive tourist destination. With its popular pebble beaches that stretch for miles and more, the quaint town of Normandy also boasts of some charming architectural settlements, and pastoral villages. Thanks to its lavish topography, Normandy is blessed with abundant camembert cheese, apples, age old wines, and delectable French seafood that gives people around a world another reason to visit it.
Normandy is also best known for its poignant cemeteries and war memorials that run along its scenic beaches. Visitors can also spend time in tranquility amidst some very well known cathedrals from the medieval age, or go on an excursion exploring maritime trinkets scattered around in Honfleur — there’s always something for everyone in Normandy!
Bayeux Tapestry
Bayeux is a town located on the beautiful Atlantic coast that is well-known for the Bayeux Tapestry. The masterpiece is an exquisite 70 meter long historic document woven into intricate embroidery. Bayeux Tapestry has even earned the town of Bayeux a UNESCO designation for its cultural value.
Mont St. Michel
An important medieval destination in Normandy, Mont St. Michel is a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its architectural qualities appeal to tourists from around the world who visit for a rare coup d’oeil of its mythical gothic spires and heavenly church choirs.
D Day beaches
Perhaps one of the most sought after sights of Normandy, the D-Day landing beaches are considered to be the scene of some of the bloodiest battles of the World War II. Apart from taking a walk down these now-pristine beaches, you can also take part in visiting one of the many museums and memorials along the way.
If wandering on romantic, cobbled stone streets was a part of your bucket list for the summer, Rouen is the ideal place to be. Whimsical wooden houses tucked away in the deep foliage, the sleepy town of Rouen truly paints a beautiful picture for those wishing to take a piece of France back home.
A must-visit destination in Normandy, Monet’s Garden in Giverny makes a wonderful destination for children and adults alike. The ornate garden is home to a Japanese bridge and waterlily pond, both of which located in a cove of weeping willow trees. It is also Claude Monet’s former residence and houses some of his notable works.
Best known as the chief town of Lower Normandy, Caen is located where the river Orne meets the English Channel. And while the town has a painful history, as most of it was destroyed during the Allied landings in 1944, the magnificent churches still stand tall for those who wish to take a quick glimpse into history.
If you’re someone who is interested in the vast history and majestic beauty of France, then you need to visit Mont St. Michel. Marvel at the spellbinding architecture of the Mont St. Michel Abbey, which traces its history back to the medieval age, as your guide briefs you about the structure. Later on, enjoy a delicious and authentic lunch at one of the local restaurants, before heading back to your hotel in a comfortable, air-conditioned transport facility from Paris. Check out some of the most popular day trips from Paris to Mont St Michel.
Travel in a luxury train all the way to Versailles to explore one of France’s most stellar palaces. Skip the excruciatingly long queues and head straight inside to know more about of King Louis’ life from up close. The skilled guide accompanying you will brief you on every important detail during your tour. Stroll through the Gardens of Versailles and admire the 386 works of art, including the 200 statues, fountains, ponds, flower beds, and trees. Check out some of the most popular day trips from Paris to Versailles.
Art and nature come together in the picturesque village of Giverny. The village made famous by the legendary impressionist artist Monet, is where he spent the last 40 years of his life and created his most iconic paintings. It is here that Monet lovingly created a home and studio, from where he would paint the vivid colors of his Clos Normand garden, the lotus pond, and the Japanese garden. Just 75 km away from Paris, Giverny is an ideal stop to explore the muse and inspiration of generations of Impressionist artists and Monet himself. Check out some of the most popular day trips from Paris to Giverny.
Explore Reims, and glance into its lavish history and royal traditions. Enjoy some of the best champagnes in the world during your tour, and get a brief history of the iconic monuments in Reims. The tour begins early and takes you through the Mumm Champagne house for a first hand experience of champagne making and tasting. Embark on a journey dominated by taste-buds as you explore Reims’ world-famous delicacies, including the White Pudding, during your tour. Experience the best of Reims with this day trip from Paris to Reims.
If you are looking for an extravagant getaway within France, Loire Valley is just a train ride away from Paris. This picturesque stretch nestled between the frontiers of Northern and Southern France was once best known for its strategic importance. Apart from its rich yesteryears, Loire Valley still attracts several visitors who wish to catch a first hand experience of culture, art and splendour in a single trip. Moreover, wine tasting in Loire Valley is quite the fad, and Loire Valley Wine Tours from Paris are immensely popular. Check out some of the most popular day trips from Paris to Loire Valley.

Can I visit Normandy from Paris in a day?

Yes, you can easily visit Normandy from Paris in a day. Most day trips take 12-14 hours in total, along with travelling to and fro.

Do these guided tours include lunch?

Yes, guided tours from Paris do come with an optional lunch variant. Alternatively, you can eat at one of the may restaurants in Normandy.

Can I cancel my day tours after booking?

Yes, you can cancel your bookings up to 3 days before your day of experience.

How far is Normandy from Paris?

Normandy is 280 km from Paris and it usually takes 3-3.5 hours to travel by train or by road.

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