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Phillip Island Tours

Journey from Melbourne to Phillip Island. Witness the Penguin Parade at sunset, explore the Koala Conservation Centre, and more with our tours.
Phillip Island Tours
Penguins marching on Phillip Island Nature Parks during Penguin Parade tour at dusk
Koala resting on a tree branch at Koala Conservation Reserve, Phillip Island.
Visitors' seating at Phillip Island Nature Parks Penguin Parade
Child observing penguins at Phillip Island Nature Parks, Australia.
Penguins walking up the shore at Phillip Island Nature Parks Penguin Parade, Australia.
Visitors observing penguins at Phillip Island Nature Parks during sunset.
Penguins walking along the beach at Phillip Island Nature Parks Penguin Parade, Australia.
Phillip Island penguins walking on sandy beach at sunset during Penguin Parade.
Ücretsiz iptal
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AU$ 32
Phillip Island penguins at Summerland Beach during Penguin Parade, Melbourne.
Visitors at Koala Conservation Reserve entrance, Phillip Island, Australia.
Koala resting in a tree at Phillip Island Koala Conservation Reserve, Australia.
Visitors observe koalas in their natural habitat at Phillip Island Conservation Reserve, Australia.
Sunset views from Phillip island
Visitors observing penguins at Phillip Island Nature Parks during sunset.
Penguins at Phillip Island.
Ücretsiz iptal
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5 more
  • Yarım veya tam günlük bir tur için Philip Adası'na giderken kendinizi Avustralya'nın vahşi yaşamına bırakın ve yolunuz üzerindeki muhteşem manzaraya hayran kalın.

  • Küçük penguen süper yıldızlarının Summerland Sahili boyunca paytak paytak yürümelerini izleyin - doğanın en sevimli geçit törenini en ön sıradan izleyebilirsiniz.

  • Uzman bir rehber eşliğinde Koala Koruma Alanı'na yapacağınız isteğe bağlı bir ziyaretle uzun süreli yerleşik koalaların ağaç tepesindeki manzaralarını kaçırmayın.

  • Penguen geçit töreninin premium izleme deneyimi için biletinizi yükseltin. Geçit Töreni Ziyaretçi Merkezi'nde yaşam döngüleri ve onları korumaya yönelik girişimler hakkında bilgi edinin.

  • Bu deneyimi 1 Şubat - 31 Mart 2025 tarihleri arasında rezerve edin ve 1 Şubat - 31 Mart 2026 tarihleri arasında seyahat ederek bu özel 20 $ indirim promosyonundan yararlanın.

  • Eğlenceli bilgi: Philip Adası'ndaki penguenlere "peri penguenleri" denir. Sadece 1 kg ağırlığındadırlar ve bu da onları dünyanın en küçük penguen türü yapar.

Daha detaylı bilgi

  • Yarım veya tam günlük bir tur için Philip Adası'na giderken kendinizi Avustralya'nın vahşi yaşamına bırakın ve yolunuz üzerindeki muhteşem manzaraya hayran kalın.

  • Küçük penguen süper yıldızlarının Summerland Sahili boyunca paytak paytak yürümelerini izleyin - doğanın en sevimli geçit törenini en ön sıradan izleyebilirsiniz.

  • Uzman bir rehber eşliğinde Koala Koruma Alanı'na yapacağınız isteğe bağlı bir ziyaretle uzun süreli yerleşik koalaların ağaç tepesindeki manzaralarını kaçırmayın.

  • Penguen geçit töreninin premium izleme deneyimi için biletinizi yükseltin. Geçit Töreni Ziyaretçi Merkezi'nde yaşam döngüleri ve onları korumaya yönelik girişimler hakkında bilgi edinin.

  • Bu deneyimi 1 Şubat - 31 Mart 2025 tarihleri arasında rezerve edin ve 1 Şubat - 31 Mart 2026 tarihleri arasında seyahat ederek bu özel 20 $ indirim promosyonundan yararlanın.

  • Eğlenceli bilgi: Philip Adası'ndaki penguenlere "peri penguenleri" denir. Sadece 1 kg ağırlığındadırlar ve bu da onları dünyanın en küçük penguen türü yapar.

from AU$ 165
AU$ 145

%12 indirim

people walking on the deck for penguin parade
Young woman feeding a kangaroo fruit from her hand in an Australian wildlife park.
Large group of red kangaroos at a feeding trough all looking up
Koalas resting on eucalyptus tree branches in an Australian wildlife sanctuary.
Views of Westernport Bay
Seals resting on rocky shore in La Jolla, California.
Penguins walking along the beach at Phillip Island Nature Parks Penguin Parade, Australia.
Penguins at sunset on Phillip Island during a day tour in Melbourne, Australia.
Phillip Island penguin parade at sunset with tourists watching from boardwalk.
Ücretsiz iptal
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3 more
  • Philip Adası'na günübirlik bir tur için Melbourne'dan yola çıkın ve canlı plaj kulübelerinin mutlaka görülmesi gereken Brighton Plajı'na gidin

  • Kangurular, koalalar ve daha fazlasıyla tanışacağınız eşsiz bir Avustralya vahşi yaşam deneyimi için Melbourne'un banliyölerinden Moonlit Sanctuary'ye yolculuk edin.

  • Sonraki durak: Point Grant ve Westernport Körfezi'nin muhteşem manzarasını sunan The Nobbies. Avustralya'nın en büyük kürklü fok kolonisine ev sahipliği yapan Seal Rocks'ı kaçırmayın!

  • Yıldız atraksiyonu: Phillip Adası Penguen Geçit Töreni! Hava karardıktan hemen sonra, dünyanın en küçük penguenlerinden yüzlercesi denizde balık avladıkları bir günün ardından paytak paytak kıyıya çıkarlar.

  • Biletinizi Penguins Plus veya Yeraltı İzleme Deneyimi içerecek şekilde yükseltin ve geçit töreninin keyfini en iyi noktadan çıkarın.

  • Eğlenceli bilgi: Philip Adası'ndaki penguenlere "peri penguenleri" denir. Sadece 1 kg ağırlığındadırlar ve bu da onları dünyanın en küçük penguen türü yapar.

Daha detaylı bilgi

  • Philip Adası'na günübirlik bir tur için Melbourne'dan yola çıkın ve canlı plaj kulübelerinin mutlaka görülmesi gereken Brighton Plajı'na gidin

  • Kangurular, koalalar ve daha fazlasıyla tanışacağınız eşsiz bir Avustralya vahşi yaşam deneyimi için Melbourne'un banliyölerinden Moonlit Sanctuary'ye yolculuk edin.

  • Sonraki durak: Point Grant ve Westernport Körfezi'nin muhteşem manzarasını sunan The Nobbies. Avustralya'nın en büyük kürklü fok kolonisine ev sahipliği yapan Seal Rocks'ı kaçırmayın!

  • Yıldız atraksiyonu: Phillip Adası Penguen Geçit Töreni! Hava karardıktan hemen sonra, dünyanın en küçük penguenlerinden yüzlercesi denizde balık avladıkları bir günün ardından paytak paytak kıyıya çıkarlar.

  • Biletinizi Penguins Plus veya Yeraltı İzleme Deneyimi içerecek şekilde yükseltin ve geçit töreninin keyfini en iyi noktadan çıkarın.

  • Eğlenceli bilgi: Philip Adası'ndaki penguenlere "peri penguenleri" denir. Sadece 1 kg ağırlığındadırlar ve bu da onları dünyanın en küçük penguen türü yapar.

AU$ 175
Puffing Billy Train in Melbourne , Australia
Emerald Lake
Phillip Island Nobbies coastal view with rugged cliffs and ocean waves.
Penguin parading at dusk
Phillip Island Penguin Parade with penguins walking on sandy beach at sunset.
The Puffing Billy Railway is a heritage railway in Melbourne, Australia
Ücretsiz iptal
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4 more
AU$ 224
Phillip Island penguin parade with tourists observing penguins on the beach during guided tour.
Group of tourists on a guided tour of Phillip Island, observing penguins in their natural habitat at sunset
Phillip Island penguin parade at dusk during guided wildlife tour, Melbourne, Australia.
Phillip Island penguin parade at dusk during guided wildlife tour, Melbourne, Australia.
Phillip Island guided tour featuring penguins at sunset on the beach.
Ücretsiz iptal
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4 more
AU$ 230
Visitors watching penguin parade on deck at Phillip Island, Australia.
group of penguins at Healesville Sanctuary And Phillip Island Wildlife Park
Koalas resting on eucalyptus tree branches in an Australian wildlife sanctuary.
Owl ( Bird of Prey ) sitting on a helper's hand at Healesville Sanctuary And Phillip Island Wildlife Park
people walking on the deck for penguin parade
Penguin Parade during sunset
Penguins walking along the beach at sunset, Phillip Island, Australia.
Ücretsiz iptal
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4 more
AU$ 177
Penguins at Phillip Island Nature Parks during Penguin Parade, Australia.
Visitors observing penguins at Phillip Island Nature Parks during sunset.
Visitors observe koalas in their natural habitat at Phillip Island Conservation Reserve, Australia.
Koalas resting in trees at the Conservation Reserve, Phillip Island Nature Parks, Australia.
Visitors interacting with horses at Churchill Island farm, Melbourne, Australia.
National Park ranger demonstrating farming techniques at Churchill Island farm.
Visitors observing penguins at Phillip Island's Penguin Parade Visitor Centre, Melbourne.
Churchill Island farm animals grazing in a field with a historic farmhouse in the background.
Visitors interacting with farm animals at Churchill Island, Melbourne, Australia.
Aerial view of Churchill Island with lush greenery and coastal landscape, Melbourne, Australia.
Ücretsiz iptal
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from AU$ 54,50
AU$ 46,41

%15 indirim

Sailing near Cape Woolamai on a Wildlife Coast Cruises tour at Phillip Island.
Cape Woolamai coastline view from morning cruise at Phillip Island.
Cape Woolamai coastline with rocky cliffs and ocean view from Phillip Island morning cruise.
Constanta walking tour with view of historic buildings and boat trip on the Black Sea.
Cape Woolamai morning cruise at Phillip Island with scenic coastal views.
Cape Woolamai coastline with rocky cliffs and ocean view from morning cruise, Phillip Island.
Cape Woolamai coastline from Phillip Island morning cruise with rocky cliffs and ocean waves.
Phillip Island Cape Woolamai Cruise showcasing rugged cliffs and ocean views.
Seals swimming near rocky cliffs at Cape Woolamai, Phillip Island, Australia.
Cape Woolamai coastline with rocky cliffs and ocean view from morning cruise, Phillip Island.
Cape Woolamai cruise boat on Phillip Island waters, showcasing scenic coastal cliffs.
Cape Woolamai coastline with rocky cliffs and ocean view from morning cruise, Phillip Island.
Cruise boat near Cape Woolamai's rugged cliffs on Phillip Island.
Cape Woolamai coastline with rugged cliffs and ocean waves, Phillip Island.
Phillip Island Cape Woolamai cruise boat navigating turquoise waters near rugged cliffs.
Ücretsiz iptal
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3 more
  • Bu 1 saatlik sabah gezisinde engebeli kıyı şeridine ve denizden görkemli bir şekilde yükselen Woolamai Burnu'nun yüksek granit kayalıklarına hayran kalacaksınız.

  • Arkanıza yaslanın ve suda yüzen oyuncu yunusları ve güneşin altında bir kayanın üzerinde yatan meraklı kürklü fokları izlerken rahatlayın.

  • Lezzetli kek ve kahve atıştırın ve bölgenin coğrafyası ve geçmişi hakkında canlı yorumları dinlerken nefes kesici kıyı şeridi boyunca uzanan dramatik deniz mağaralarına hayran kalın.

  • Biliyor muydunuz? Woolamai Burnu, her yıl bir milyondan fazla deniz kuşunun yuva yaptığı ve uçtuğu en büyük kısa kuyruklu yelkovan kuşu kolonisine ev sahipliği yapmaktadır!

Daha detaylı bilgi

  • Bu 1 saatlik sabah gezisinde engebeli kıyı şeridine ve denizden görkemli bir şekilde yükselen Woolamai Burnu'nun yüksek granit kayalıklarına hayran kalacaksınız.

  • Arkanıza yaslanın ve suda yüzen oyuncu yunusları ve güneşin altında bir kayanın üzerinde yatan meraklı kürklü fokları izlerken rahatlayın.

  • Lezzetli kek ve kahve atıştırın ve bölgenin coğrafyası ve geçmişi hakkında canlı yorumları dinlerken nefes kesici kıyı şeridi boyunca uzanan dramatik deniz mağaralarına hayran kalın.

  • Biliyor muydunuz? Woolamai Burnu, her yıl bir milyondan fazla deniz kuşunun yuva yaptığı ve uçtuğu en büyük kısa kuyruklu yelkovan kuşu kolonisine ev sahipliği yapmaktadır!

AU$ 45
Eiffel Tower view from Seine River cruise in Paris, France.
Cape Woolamai coastline with rocky cliffs and ocean view from morning cruise, Phillip Island.
Cape Woolamai coastline view from Phillip Island morning cruise.
Penguins marching on Phillip Island Nature Parks during Penguin Parade tour at dusk
Visitors observing penguins at Phillip Island Nature Parks during sunset.
Phillip Island Cape Woolamai Cruise showcasing rugged cliffs and ocean views.
Seals resting on rocks at Cape Woolamai, Phillip Island, Australia.
Child observing penguins at Phillip Island Nature Parks, Australia.
Penguins walking up the shore at Phillip Island Nature Parks Penguin Parade, Australia.
Ücretsiz iptal
Anında onay
2 more
AU$ 77

Milyonlarca kişi bizimle yola çıkmayı seviyor

Rune Harald Rækken


Ride with Puffing Billy was good, despite the rain. Animal "spotting" and the pinguins were also good. Gavin, the driver, had a lot of knowledge that he willingly shared.
From Melbourne: Puffing Billy Train Ride & Phillip Island Guided Tour
Birgit Maurer


Got to be very close to the seals and spent a good amount of time there watching them. On the way back we got to see dolphins and the cruise stopped and got back a bit late without a rush. Great service!
Phillip Adası'nda Fok Gözlemciliği Öğleden Sonra Gezisi
Aarati Tanmay Nayak


The tour guide Graeme was great and went out of the way to stop the bus and help us spot roos, wallabies and other wild life on our journey.
Melbourne'den: Brighton Plajı, Ay Işığında Cennet & Penguen Geçidi ile Phillip Adası Turu
phui eng ko


The trip was awesome. The guild Chris was fantastic, he knowledgable and patient. The trip was smooth and well taken care by him.
Melbourne'den: Brighton Plajı, Ay Işığında Cennet & Penguen Geçidi ile Phillip Adası Turu
Judith Harris


Torunlarım penguenlerin sahilde yürümelerine, yuvalarına gidişlerini izlemelerine ve şarkılarını dinlemelerine bayıldılar. Sanırım bunu her zaman hatırlayacaklar, torunlarımın yüzlerindeki gülümsemeyi unutmayacağımı biliyorum.
Orijinal yorumu İngilizce dilinde görüntüle
Phillip Island Nature Parks Penguin Parade Tickets
Ishaq Mohammed


Aktivite çok iyi ve penguenlerin adadan nasıl geldiği ilginç. Biletler hakkında şans eseri Çarşamba günü bilet aldık ama Salı günü de geldik, ekibinizden birinden plz Çarşamba yerine Salı gününe geçmesini rica ediyoruz, denedi ve başardı. Onun çabasını gerçekten takdir ediyoruz ve ona bir kez daha teşekkür ediyoruz.
Orijinal yorumu İngilizce dilinde görüntüle
Phillip Island Nature Parks Penguin Parade Tickets
gillian singh


Birleşik Krallık
Penguin island was fabulous- really enjoyed it . The farm was okay but had a good cafe and the walk was interesting. The Antarctic was shut so I'm very disappointed I bought for tickets and only got to see three . That said it was still good value for money
Phillip Island 4 Parks Pass: Penguin Parade, Koalas, Churchill Island, Antarctic Journey
Daniel Robert van der Heijden


Lovely Parks and easy access with all the passes. Just a tip, take people's phone away or something at the penguin parade, unbelievable how many people still took pictures at the beach or on the boardwalk back to the visitor centre. Really sad to see. Other than that great experience!!
Phillip Island 4 Parks Pass: Penguin Parade, Koalas, Churchill Island, Antarctic Journey

Phillip Island Tours Rehber

Phillip Island is a beautiful natural attraction to visit in Australia which is only a 2-hour journey from Melbourne. Known for its wildlife, this island gives you a chance to hand-feed kangaroos, watch penguins on evening parades, relax on the sandy, sunkissed beaches, and do a lot more. If you are planning a day trip to this gorgeous island, then here is everything you need to know about Phillip Island tours, timings, tickets, and more.
A day trip from Melbourne to Phillip Island is a great way to spend time with your friends and family. Full of fun attractions and activities, visitors can choose from three types of Phillip Island tours, depending on their preferences and budget. You can choose Phillip Island Nature Parks tickets if you want to enjoy wildlife viewing or select Phillip Island A Maze’N Things tickets to spend a few hours navigating the illusions, interactive displays, confusing mazes, and puzzles. For those who want to enjoy a boat tour around Phillip Island along with dolphin sightings, then Phillip Island cruise tours are a perfect choice.
With these tickets, you enjoy access to the 4 nature parks at Phillip Island. Choose from a different combination of experiences to visit Victoria’s most popular wildlife attraction. You can see the penguins waddle to their burrows, watch koalas and wallabies in the Koala reserve, and enjoy coastal walks or walking trails along with Churchill Island Heritage Farm. 

Recommended experiences

There are three combinations available in this ticket where you can get access to Koala Reserve, Churchill Island Heritage Farm, and Antarctic Journey experiences. You can select to enjoy a general viewing, up-close viewing, or an underground viewing of Penguin Parade, depending on your selection.
Enjoy a day of amusement at Phillip Island’s best attraction – A Maze’N Things. From losing yourself in a maze to solving crazy puzzles, there is a lot to do around here. So, if you are looking to spend a day having fun with your friends and family, then Phillip Island’s A Maze’N Things ticket is perfect for you.

Recommended experiences

Enjoy access to A Maze’N Things where you can play mini-golf, indulge in Sky Trail, experience interactive displays, and play a lot of games and solve puzzles.
Phillip Island Cruises are perfect for those who want to explore more of Phillip Island. Enjoy a cruise on Victoria’s Phillip Bay where you can soak in the coastal scenery and enjoy the sights of cliffs. Spot seals, whales, and dolphins as you munch on a delicious snack and learn about the facts and stories of local wildlife.

Recommended experiences

With this cruise ticket, you can enjoy a 2-hour coastal cruise through Australia’s largest colony of Fur Seals. From young pups to adult bulls, you will spot not only seals but dolphins and seabirds here too. Sip on a cup of your favorite beverage as you listen to wildlife commentary. You also have access to a licensed bar and free Wi-Fi on this tour.
This 1.5-hour twilight and sunset cruise is a great way to relax as you spot dolphins and seals on the way. Listen to the captain’s informative commentary as you munch on appetizers and buy something from the licensed bar.
Experience this 1-hour scenic cruise from San Remo to marvel at the beauty of Phillip Island and Cape Woolamai. Learn about the local wildlife and scenery through the onboard commentary as you cross by granite cliffs and caves in the turquoise waters. Visitors can also enjoy complimentary tea and coffee with cake as they spot dolphins, seals, and seabirds on this cruise.
What are Phillip Island hours?
Phillip Island is open every day from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
What is the best time to go on a Melbourne to Phillip Island tour?
The best time to visit Phillip Island is between May and September when the weather is slightly cooler and there are fewer visitors on the island. If you want to witness the penguin parade, then November to April is the best time to visit as the island sees the most number of penguins waddling back to the beach during those months.
How long should I stay at Phillip Island?
There is a lot to do here, visitors can easily plan a Phillip Island day trip from Melbourne and spend an entire day with friends and family. Overnight stays can also be planned. 
How long does it take to get from Melbourne to Phillip Island?
It takes approximately two hours to get from Melbourne to Phillip Island.
Where is Phillip Island located?
Phillip Island is located in Victoria, Australia.
How do I get from Melbourne to Phillip Island?
You can take a car, V/Line coach, local bus, or a ferry to travel from Melbourne to Phillip Island.
Are return transfers included in my Melbourne to Phillip Island tours?
No, return transfers are not included in Melbourne to Phillip Island tours. As a result, visitors need to figure out a way to reach Phillip Island on their own.
Can I take the metro/train from Melbourne to Phillip Island?
No, there are no metro or trains available from Melbourne to Phillip Island. However, visitors can take a local bus or a V/Line coach from Melbourne to reach Cowes. 
Is Phillip Island wheelchair accessible?
Yes, Phillip Island is wheelchair accessible.
Is storage facility available at Phillip Island?
No, there is no storage facility available at Phillip Island. Visitors are advised to carry only the things that they would need and keep the rest at their accommodation.
Are dining options available for a Phillip Island tour?
Yes, there are a lot of restaurants available on Phillip Island. Saltwater Phillip Island, Beach HQ, Kelp, Pino’s Trattoria, Phillip Island RSL, etc. are a few popular dining options to check out. 
Phillip Island offers a lot of fun activities and attractions for visitors to enjoy. Here are a few things to look out for on a Melbourne to Phillip Island tour.

Phillip Island Cruises

Enjoy a stunning scenic cruise around Phillip Island where you can experience wildlife sightings. On these cruises, you can view seals in their natural habitat, visit the wreck of a naval submarine, have a personal encounter with humpback whales, or discover untouched coves and islands.  There are different Phillip Island cruises available including Twilight cruise, Seal watching cruise, Captains lunch cruise, and more.

A Maze’N Things Phillip Island

A Maze’N Things is an award-winning theme park that is perfect for families and groups of friends. Here, you can find lots of puzzles, mazes, illusions, and adventures to enjoy in a day. From playing 19-hole mini-golf to checking out the Magic Manor exhibit, there are a plethora of things to do with A Maze’N Things Phillip Island tickets

Penguin Parade

If you wish to watch little penguins waddle through the beach to return home, then you should check out Phillip Island’s Penguin Parade. Enjoy this tour where you explore the boardwalks after sunset to see and hear penguins in the area greeting each other and going about their day. You might also stumble upon resident wildlife such as Cape Barren Geese, Swamp Wallabies, Short-tailed Shearwaters, and more.

Koala Reserve

Phillip Island Koala Reserve gives you a chance to meet Koalas face-to-face in the Australian bushland at Koala Conservation Reserve. Walk along the boardwalks to meet koalas in their natural habitat as they sleep, eat, and repeat. You can also collect a seed from the Native Seed Station and plant it in your backyard to grow a natural habitat at your home. 

National Surfing Reserve

Phillip Island National Surfing Reserve was dedicated to the surfers on March 16, 2013. It is a voluntary collaboration that aims to recognize the best surfing sites in Australia and around the world. There are four types of breaks found in NSR – Smiths Beach, Cape Woolamai, Cat Bay, and Summerlands.

Wildlife Park

Located on Phillip Island, Victoria, Australia, this wildlife park was created in 1996 to conserve and research animals. The Wildlife Park comprises four nature parks – Pyramid Rock, Seal Rocks, Cape Woolamai, and Rhyll Inlet. Each nature park has its own attractions and wildlife viewing centers where visitors can look at koalas, penguins, dolphins, and more.
There are several other day trips from Melbourne that you can experience once you have completed the Phillip Island tour.

Great Ocean Road Tours

Enjoy a road trip as you travel the 243 km stretch on the south-eastern coast of Australia. Visit the beautiful seaside villages on the way including Lorne and Anglesea and drive through the Great Otway National Park where you can observe koalas and birds. For adventure seekers, skydiving over the Great Ocean Read is one of the best experiences that you cannot miss out on. Book Great Ocean Road tours.

Yarra Valley Tours

Experience the countryside lifestyle of Melbourne by taking a tour of Yarra Valley. Here, you can try the local produce, taste the fine wine, and devour fresh cheese. One of the most exciting activities to indulge in here is skydiving from a height of 15,000 feet and enjoying a bird’s eye view of Victoria, Melbourne, and Yarra Valley. Book Melbourne to Yarra Valley tours.

Mornington Peninsula Hot Springs

Spend a day soaking and relaxing in the Peninsula Hot Springs. This is one of the best spa destinations in Mornington Peninsula where you can enjoy 20 different bathing experiences such as hydrotherapy, geothermal pools, sauna, a Turkish Hamam, and more. There are several luxurious spa treatments available here that visitors can opt for too. So, if you want a relaxed trip from Melbourne, then this spa trip to the hot springs is a good choice. Book Mornington Peninsula hot springs tickets.

Puffing Billy Tours

Are you a train connoisseur? If yes, then you should check out the Puffing Billy tour from Melbourne. Travel in Australia’s best steam train which runs on the 25 km mountain track between Belgrave and Gembrook. Enjoy the stunning rainforest landscapes and town views on this amazing ride from Melbourne. Book Puffing Billy Melbourne tours.

Are Melbourne to Phillip Island tours available online now?

Yes, Melbourne to Phillip Island tours can be booked online. Due to the COVID-19 measures, guests are advised to book their tours online and in advance to get their desired date and time slot.

What are the different types of Phillip Island tours?

The different types of Phillip Island tours available for booking are Nature Parks tours where you have access to all the parks and can watch a variety of animals including penguins, koalas, and more. With Phillip Island A Maze’n’ Things tour, you can enjoy the puzzles and displays in the A Maze’N’ Things while the Phillip Island cruise tour allows you to enjoy a scenic cruise with seabirds and dolphin sightings, a licensed bar, and local commentary. 

Are return transfers included on a Melbourne to Phillip Island tour?

No, return transfers are not included on a Melbourne to Phillip Island tour.

Are discounts available on Melbourne to Phillip Island tours?

Yes, there are discounts available on Melbourne to Phillip Island tours. Children aged 3 and under can enjoy free entry while kids aged 4 – 15 enjoy discounted tickets. On some tours, families with 2 adults and 2 children can enjoy reduced ticket pricing as well.

How long does it take to get from Melbourne to Phillip Island?

The journey from Melbourne to Phillip Island takes approximately two hours.

How do I get from Melbourne to Phillip Island?

There are several ways to travel from Melbourne to Phillip Island. You can drive a car, take a bus, coach, or a ferry to join Phillip Island tours.

What is the best time to go on a Phillip Island tour?

The best time to plan a Melbourne to Phillip Island tour is in the cooler months, i.e., May – September. The accommodations are quite reasonable and there are fewer people visiting the island at this time. So, if you are on a budget trip, then this is the best time to visit Phillip Island.

What are Phillip Island penguin parade timings?

Phillip Island Penguin Parade occurs in the evening. Penguins generally arrive after sunset every night so, visitors should plan to arrive one hour prior to penguin arrival time to find their seats and settle in.

Is Phillip Island wheelchair accessible?

Yes, Phillip Island is wheelchair accessible to ensure everyone can participate and enjoy the experiences here.

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